Freeminers (General)

by dnelmes, Thursday, May 21, 2020, 04:49 (1757 days ago)

Has anyone got a copy of the book 'The Freeminers of the Royal Forest od Dean..' by Cyril Hart? I was wondering if anyone could tell me the information/references to Nelmes/Nelms/Nelme.
I am trying to research whether my ancestor quarrymen of the forest of dean were freeminers. I know the following were quarrymen/stonecutters
Richard Nelmes (1712-1772)
and his sons Richard and John (and possibly Thomas), and grandsons to include John (1777 - 1848)
I am just learning about the Forest Acts 1831 and 1838, and Award as to Quarries 1841, and I also wondered whether the Nelmes appeared in any of these, John (1777 - 1848) certainly might have.
Thanks for any help in anticipation.

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