parish record (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:04 (1753 days ago) @ ian0808

There's a tree on ancestry that's interesting has a lot of information (not yours is it?). It's at

Seems Rose had five children, two from her marriage to William Coles Thorne then three more between 1913 and 1918. No evidence of the father.

No evidence of a marriage to Frederick Draper. My guess is they weren't married.

Rose's daughter Annie was living in Didcot in 1939. What info do you have that says Rose lived in Didcot? The 1939 register has several people blocked in the same household as Annie so maybe Rose was in the same house but the information has remained blocked.

Edit: The tree above has Annie at South St Didcot. There is no South St in Didcot. But Find my Past has them at 17 East St. There is an East St in Didcot. Find my Past has the name incorrectly transcribed as Howkins.


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