Thomas Gwinnett marriage to Hesther Morrice 1743 (Parish Records)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Tuesday, November 03, 2020, 05:34 (1590 days ago) @ Susan_King

Once you get to know how to use this site ,it can provide some useful information, especially if your Ancestor was a landowner, copyholder or leaseholder.
It is called "Know Your Place- Gloucestershire"
I believe there might be others for different Counties.

Once you enter the site you should see a split screen with two maps side by side. Dragging the vertical bar separating them will increase or decrease the view of each map. When i do it, the maps appear to be centred on Gloucester.

On the right hand side of the screen is a box with sa few headings.
Click on Information layers then enter "Barnwood" in the search box.
There then should be a drop down list of items of interest relating to Barnwood which have been submitted by different volunteers.
Go to the last one and click on the Blue "map".
This should bring you to the two maps showing St Lawrence's Church and the surrounding area.
Then click on the right hand side again for "Base Maps"
This should give you a series of thumbnails with a description of each.
At the top there will be "Main Map" and "Comparison Map".
Under main map, scroll down and click on " 1840- Pre Gloucestershire Enclosures". This should show you a map with the names of landholders etc. You can drag this around for coverage.
Under "Comparison Map" click on "1844-1888 OS 25inch First Edition" This should show you a map dated a bit after the Enclosures map".
You can then substitute other maps for comparisons.
Note that not all maps are available for all parts of Gloucestershire.

On the maps you might notice some green squares. click on one of them and you will see more information which might include a photograph . I believe this is what has been provided by the volunteers.

If you click on "Information Layers" again and then "List" you should get a drop down box of other items you can overlay on to the maps. Some of them might be coloured lines for example. I clicked on one of them in the Church Graveyard and found that there was an Archaeological dig of that area which yielded some Tudor Era remains of a child and coffin etc. Digging deeper in to these items sometimes will take you to other sites with more information.

It all doesn't magically find an Ancestor but can sometimes provide that missing link and for someone like myself who doesn't live in the Uk, it helps me understand the Geography of the area better than my school teacher ever could more than half a century ago.

I think it could be useful when searching for Mining Localiteies in the Forest.
I hope you might find this of help in your search.

Also, with that horrid Covid 19 stuff going on, it can provide something interesting to do rather than watching reruns of Neighbours.

Take care.

Sid Toomey.

PS I will send you the link and information on the Tithe Apportionments maps after i work through a couple of samples.

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