Thomas and Martha Harris of Westbury on Severn (General)

by Definitely_maybe, Monday, November 23, 2020, 06:54 (1572 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

Hi Sid,
Thank you for getting back,I really appreciate it.
My family tree search has took me around the UK but for sure this is the best local site I have come across. I spent alot of time yesterday reviewing previous posts and learnt alot. I didn't spot the parish records link however- so apologies if I have asked for a search I could have done myself if I had read the whole site!
This all looks very promising. I think these records all match up I will dig a bit deeper later today.
I am descended from Thomas/Martha's son George b1834. George's son (George) left FoD for the Yorkshire North Riding only to later return. Some of his children remained in northern England. If anybody is exploring this please let me know I may be able to help.

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