William Billington (General)

by Welsh Kim, Thursday, December 17, 2020, 09:29 (1547 days ago) @ Anne.freeman

Hi Anne, I was very pleased to receive your messages and to discover a new cousin. I knew almost nothing about that branch of my family history until I began research on Ancestry about a year ago so almost all my information comes from what I have discovered via the internet. Please let me know more about the connection to Ireland . I found two possible suggestions of place of death for a William Billington born around 1777 one was for Cheshire which I thought more plausible and the other for County Mayo.Your information would be very helpful in casting light on that and I'm sure I will have many other questions.
My grandfather came to live in Swansea prior to World War 1 and that is where I and the rest of this part of the family still live.
Regards, Kim

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