Family Names Green & Lane Drybrook 1900's (General)

by HarryBrook @, Sunday, January 24, 2021, 14:35 (1509 days ago) @ akirk

Angela, Yes I live on Harrow Hill so know it quite well! I remember Ron and Evelyn Williams and their son Phillip [Leslie]born 1948. Don't know where he is now.

Evelyn and Myra were twin sisters born 1 February 1922, Evelyn was Edith Evelyn and their maiden surname was Briscoe, so daughters of Ellen or Nelly Lane and step daughters of Charlie.
Edith Evelyn married Leslie Ronald Williams (born 19 September 1914, died 13 September 1993). Edith Evelyn Williams (formerly Briscoe) died in July 1999. They do not have a recorded grave memorial at the local Holy Trinity Churchyard so I guess they were cremated at Gloucester.

I vaguely remember Walter Green of Harrow Hill. His nickname was "Lawyer" Green. He died in 1969 and for a very long time his cottage was left abandoned and derelict. It was eventually sold as a building plot. This is where it was using google street view again. Start from the junction of Trinity Road and Dean's Walk. Go up Dean's Walk (the camera car passes two people walking a dog and then a grey van blocking the road). Continue until there are no more properties on the left of the road (views of Drybrook village on the left) and the road turns to the right uphill. In front of you is a house with three dormer windows. This is called Hillside Cottage and this was the site of the cottage lived in by Walter Green and, I believe, earlier by his parents Alfred Noah and Emma Green.

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