Lady Ann Hope Fleming (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Saturday, March 27, 2021, 03:34 (1448 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

This is getting away from The Forest of Dean area but the following may prove interesting and give details of his early Military Career.

I don't know whether i have the link displayed correctly but there is a record of a deposition dated24th January 1743 referring to a Lieutenant Hezekiah Fleming and a riot in Portsmouth. He was in Colonel Cholmondeley's Regiment of Foot.

A quick search (not crosschecked) indicates this Regiment fought during the Jacobite uprising battles in Europe. The Regiment also was present at the Battle of Culloden on 16th April 1746. ( An uprising which is still probably able to invoke fierce debate even today)

It is possible he was still in the Regiment.

As mentioned before, i have not checked the Regiments location during this period among other sources. These Regiments changed names and commanding officers frequently and it is sometimes hard to keep track of them.

Good luck

Sid Toomey

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