Lydbrrok area (General)

by jan bates, Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:45 (1402 days ago)

I wonder if anyone can help me locate some census addresses? Where were Lydbrook Hill (1871) and Lydbrook Coppice (1881). Where could I find them today. Also where was west dean Methodist church 1894 and does it still exist. Many thanks for your help

Lydbrook area

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 07:18 (1401 days ago) @ jan bates

There's a Coppice Road in Lydbrook.

The first page of the census records give a description of the area covered - that might help.

In what context have you seen 'Dean Methodist Church'? There were several Methodist churches/chapels around the Forest so anything that narrows it down might help.


Lydbrrok area

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 00:22 (1394 days ago) @ jan bates

I think Lydbrook Hill and Lydwood Coppice would have been localised names used around the time of the relevant Census Return.
Referring to British History on Line and also National Library of Scotland Ordnance Survey Maps from the late 19th Century do not show any reference to them.

However, i believe there was a Methodist Chapel located "just under the Viaduct" in Lower Lydney. It is now demolished along with the Viaduct. The chapel is shown on NLS Ordnance Survey Map- OS 25inch 1878-1888 (SW England).
On a modern map it was located on the B4234 on the right hand side just after Mill Row but before the intersection with
Ross Road. I think there might be public conveniences located there now.

In another reply to your post mention is made of the first page of a census return which indicates the area covered by that particular return. Using that information, together with locations which appear before and after your point of interest it is sometimes possible to follow the course taken by the Enumerator as the information was collected thus narrowing down the area of interest.

Hope this might be of some help

Sid Toomey

Lydbrrok area

by lamplighter10, Monday, January 24, 2022, 01:56 (1144 days ago) @ sidtoomey01

The chapel under the Lydbrook Viaduct was the Wesleyan Chapel and a family member was a lay preacher there.

lamplighter 10

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