William Powell and Elizabeth Ann Taylor (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Tuesday, June 01, 2021, 01:11 (1381 days ago) @ lfmorgan57

Some trivia for you re William Powell.
At the time of Baptism of his sons Absalom in 1828 and William in 1824, he was recorded as being a Gamekeeper. In the 1828 entry his residence was given as Whippington's Brook.
Whippington's Brook is located just to the East of Staunton in Mailscot Wood, just South of Coalpit Hill.

The next piece of trivia is probably a long shot but the Gloucestershire Tithe Apportionment Data Base has an entry for William Powell
around 1840-1844 where he was the occupier of a cottage and garden, plot no. 134, owner Edward Rosser, 2roods 38 poles?. Location Staunton near Coleford.

Sid Toomey

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