Wiltons of Newland (General)

by ddambly, Saturday, June 26, 2021, 15:27 (1355 days ago) @ sidtoomey01


Further to the 1841 Census entry, i believe he is shown on page 9 of the Enumerators Book. There is also a William Wilton and family shown on page 10. Would William have been one of James' Sons ?

Also shown on page eight is an Edwin Whitehouse who was the Proprietor of a Tin Works in Lower Redbrook (Leased from Phillip Jones a Banker).
Considering the closeness of the entries in the Census Book it is quite possible Whitehouse would have been Wilton's employer. (Source of information was British History on line - Newland).

If you are interested in knowing a precise location of the Tin Works as well as a close idea of where the Wiltons were living at the time of the Census, using a combination of period maps including an 1840 Tithe Map all available to search on "Know Your Place- Gloucestershire" which will give the plots of land identifying numbers.

Then search "Gloucestershire Tithe Apportionments Data Base" for Newland Parish for the plot numbers surrounding the Tin Works will give you the occupiers name (as at the date of compiling the Tithe data).

Then compare the names with entries in the Census Books which will sometimes narrow the location to a small area.

e.g. The Bell Inn, is still shown on Google Street View as fronting the River Wye beside the A466. I believe it would have been located on plot 1369 on the 1840 Tithe Map which was occupied by a William Williams and was the third household entered in the Census Book after your James Wilton.

Trivia i know but may be interesting to you.

Sid Toomey

Not trivia at all - it's fascinating to know where the Tin Plate works were and the layout of the village. I am most grateful.

Yes I believe that William Wilton is the son of James working under his father's supervision.

I believe (but may be way off) that James had three brother, Thomas, William, and possibly John.

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