death of Albert Edward Prosser (General)

by probinson @, S. Oxon, Thursday, October 28, 2021, 22:02 (1231 days ago) @ sidtoomey01


How on earth did you manage to post the image shown just before my message ?
I think this would be a good feature for the forum if more was known about it (I am not very computer savvy for new features)
Anyone else agree ?

Sid Toomey

Hi Sid,

When posting a message, click on the 'image' button on the right side of the page. Select how you want it aligned (just select default as it's a pointless feature)


then it will open a window where you can put in the address to the location of the image.


The image has to be located somewhere such as Flickr or some other image hosting site. I use Imgur.

In Imgur or Flickr or whatever you use, there will be a sharing option that will give you a link. Copy the link and paste it into the image location address dialog.


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