TRIGG, Eva b1883 or Ethel b1891, which girl died? (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Monday, December 06, 2021, 00:03 (1193 days ago) @ Yecartmannew


In the 1901 Census there is an entry for the following Trigg family members living in Sower House Cottage, Newent.
Mary, wife, 46
Mildred 15
Morton 12
Ethel 10
Silly ? 4
All born in Drybrook except for the youngest who was born in Newent.

Then in the Oct. to Dec. quarter of 1906, England and Wales Civil Registration Death Index there is an entry for
Ethel Trigg age 16 of Newent who died.

Looks likely this is your Ethel.

Sid Toomey

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