Cutter (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Monday, January 24, 2022, 05:56 (1144 days ago) @ lamplighter10


On this site in the Resources tab there is the ability to search Parish Records for transcriptions of records.
On 25th December 1822 there is a marriage of William Hillman of Parish of Newland marrying
Mary Cutter by Banns in the Parish of Bicknor.
There is a notation on the transcription which says that the brides family name was hard to read so best guess given.

on the 15th February 1824 in English Bicknor father was a labourer.
Child was John Hillman.

Looking at Ancestry site it is possible to view the actual parish record entry for the marriage.
The surname is hard to read but my guess would be Collee.

There are various family tree on Ancestry which have the brides maiden name as "Coley"

On this Forum Parish record search for children of William and Mary, there are also numerous births in Lidbrook with the fathers occupation as a Tin Sealer or a variation of this occupation.

Hope this helps.

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