Wye Sturgeon Photo info pls (General)

by rsligi @, Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 10:27 (1065 days ago) @ admin2

Thank you all for your help ref the sturgeon image, it has since been submitted to the interested survey site.

The spin off of all this is > There is a web page, have a read, >> savethesturgeon << that the Blue Marine Foundation are part of that is part of a group actively trying to re-introduce/top-up the sturgeon population in Europe. This is not a hair-brain idea.

In the France they have encouraged the last few sturgeon to breed, I think about for 12 years now and some of these fish have been recorded in nets of the coast of England and hopefully will soon migrate up our rivers to breed, this includes THE WYE and SEVERN.

The Wye and Severn plus S Wales rivers are the most likely places for them to re-appear, migrating upstream in April-June on rivers that have no barriers.

Historically The WYE had many sturgeon caught in salmon nets but not for last 50 years or so (they live well past 100yrs). Being a large (very!!) fish and quite secretive I suspect that THE WYE is now to active (canoes etc) but if they get past Chepstow and Bigsweir they may soon be recorded again.

If any are seen, caught or even suspect sightings could they please be recorded to the above web page. Thanks

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