Family roots in the Forest of Dean (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 22:45 (1051 days ago) @ Bradwell

Hi David,

Just a quick message since you are going to visit the FOD this week. You might already know about these sites but if you don't (I have found them useful) following is a quick summary.

Know your place Gloucestershire.

Once you get used to navigating the site, it is possible to bring up different maps of a particular area or location. From a modern map travelling back in time to tithe maps .

Tithe Apportionments Data Base- Gloucestershire Archives.

This is searchable where bu using the filters you can list every plot of land owned or occupied by a particular person. It is possible to print the entire County or filter down to a Parish or a name etc.
The information is restricted to a particular time (around 1838-1841 but shown on the data base).
Works well with the 1841 Census.
e.g. a John Morgan occupied plot 615 in Westbury on Severn
With this information it is generally possible to look at the Tithe Map on the "Know Your Place" site for Westbury on Severn and find where his cottage etc was located. Then using a more current map see whether it still exists.
Not all Tithe Maps can be found. I think some of them might have been nibbled at by mice over time.

Also i have found "British History online" a good source to read about a particular area through time.

Some of the other names/locations in your post ring a bell with me so i will have a look to see if i can find anything for you.

Good luck

Sid Toomey

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