Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772 (General)

by Nick Dub @, Saturday, June 18, 2022, 13:39 (998 days ago)

I have John Harper 1778-1847 in my family tree. His parents were Joseph and Sarah Harper.

Doing a bit of checking on this site, I found an old thread about a will.
As I understand it Jonathan WEBB's will, May 7, 1800, includes bequests to his daughter Sarah Webb wife of Joseph HARPER and her sons John and Joseph HARPER.

If so that would mean the Sarah Web, who married JH on the 14/06/1772, was born in 1742 to Jonathan and Ann Web and not the Sarah Webb born in 1740 to George and Ann Webb - (often the second is given on FH sites).

I have found a will listed in "A calendar of wills proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester, 1660 to 1800" - 322 Gloucestershire Wills. - for the year 1800 Webb, Jonathan, Ruardean, page 64,
but as I am not a member of Ancestry, I haven't checked the details.

Any thoughts on this much appreciated - Nick

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by MPGriffiths @, Saturday, June 18, 2022, 17:45 (998 days ago) @ Nick Dub

Googling, Jonathan Webb Ruardean

Bigland transcription for Ruardean inscriptions in the Church

Jonathan Webb 10 December 1799 aged 93. ANN his Wife 14 September 1775 aged 63.

Both their burials are in the records.

Ann buried 17 September 1775
Memoranda: wife of Jonathan.


You could also join Rootschat Gloucestershire to request help.

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by grahamdavison @, Saturday, June 18, 2022, 17:54 (998 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

I have a transcript of the Will, use the envelope against my name to email me and I`ll send it on.

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by Nick Dub @, Saturday, June 18, 2022, 18:19 (998 days ago) @ grahamdavison

email sent in response to your very kind offer

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by Nick Dub @, Saturday, June 18, 2022, 18:23 (998 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thanks for that - I'll be in a better place to comment sensibly once I've seen the will, which I will attempt to do.
I'm trying to use as much care as possible untangling who was who and who married who, given that there were a number of people around with the same names at more or less the same times.

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by grahamdavison @, Sunday, June 19, 2022, 12:38 (997 days ago) @ Nick Dub

Nick, Could you try e-mailing me again as I haven`t received your previous message.

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by Nick Dub @, Sunday, June 19, 2022, 17:05 (997 days ago) @ grahamdavison

Second attempt sent - all looked OK



Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by admin2 @, Sunday, June 19, 2022, 19:37 (997 days ago) @ Nick Dub

Hi Nuck

I am checking as Graham is not getting the emails sent via the envelope. Do you want to change your settings to enable your envelope and he may then be able to get through to you.



Admin 2

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by Nick Dub @, Sunday, June 19, 2022, 20:39 (997 days ago) @ admin2

change to my account settings made - thanks

Sarah Webb wife of Joseph Harper married on the 14/06/1772

by Nick Dub @, Monday, June 20, 2022, 13:25 (996 days ago) @ grahamdavison

Hi All,
Having looked at a transcript of the will, kindly sent to me by Graham, I am now certain that the Sarah Webb who married Joseph Harper on the 14/06/1772 was the daughter of Jonathan Webb and Anne Morefield who were married 21 Dec 1734 Hope Mansell.

In my case, I have John Harper 1778-1847 in my family tree - he is the son of Joseph and Sarah Harper and a grandson of Jonathan & Anne Webb.

John had a younger brother, Jonathan Harper, born 4th Feb 1781, who has the same forbears.

One reason this is confusing (apart from all the Johns, Jons, Jos, Jonthns etc) is that there were two Sarah Webbs born in Ruardean within 2 years of each other. One with parents as above, born 19 March 1742 - AND - a second, born 29 Jun 1740 to George and Ann Webb.

It is the second Sarah born in 1740 who appears on a number of Family History sites as the wife of Joseph Harper - possibly one person made an incorrect assumption, and it was copied by others.

Some details of the Will :-

Jonathan Webb made the will and signed it 16/06/1791 witnessed by Jno Cradock, Thos Evans and Thos Cradock

the will was proved 7 May 1800 [There is a burial in Ruardean for a Jonathan Webb aged 'near 93' on the 13 Dec 1799]

5 beneficiaries are named : my daughter SARAH HARPER the now wife of JOSEPH HARPER - my Grandson JOHN HARPER one of the sons of my said daughter SARAH - my grandson JONATHAN HARPER his brother - my daughter MARY FRANKLINE the now wife of SAMUEL FRANKLINE - my daughter ELIZABETH WILLIAMS the now wife of RICHARD WILLIAMS

The sole Executrix was Sarah Harper.

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