William CARTER born Arlingham about 1641 (Parish Records)

by Susan_King @, Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 22:44 (903 days ago) @ richards

Will and inventory in Ancestry
Application for administration...
William Carter Gender Male
(Application by his wife Joane signed by Joane and Richard Carter)
Document Type Will
Will Date 1710
Will Number 204

Inventory Year 1710
Inventory Number 108
Place Arlingham
Court Consistory Court of Glouceste

Thank you for this information, Richard, it is all new to me and worth further study. It looks like I'm going to need to do a lot more work on his kids to see if it ties into anything on the graves.

The will I find especially useful at first glance because of the match to Joane and his eldest son Richard. The year of 1710 is different than the note found about his grave, but the 1706 did have a ? after it due I think to legibility. But perhaps 1710 refers to the date the will was proved not written?

Any thoughts as to where I might proceed from here?

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