Samuel Hale and Mary Ann Jones who moved to Rotherham (Urgent)

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Saturday, November 12, 2022, 20:24 (851 days ago)

I am usually researching my mother's Forest of Dean family when I post messages on here but this time it is a relative of my father's family which I thought had absolutely no links with Gloucestershire!
My second cousin twice removed married a man whose mother was called Mary Ann Jones. Mary was born in Cinderford in 1851.Her father being William Jones from Horsley and her mother being Eliza Holder from Stroud. The father was called Keeling and his roots go back in the Rotherham area for at least three generations.
The sister of my relative's husband married Albert F. Hale. He was born in Rotherham in 1877. His father was Samuel Hale. He was born in Cinderford in about 1831 and his wife Charlotte Bolton/Botton/Boulton was born in Bridlington,Yorkshire in 1848. Samuel is listed as being a coal miner when living in Rotherham.
I am trying to see if Samuel Hale is in any way related to all the Hales I have on my mother's side in the Forest of Dean. I have a lot of names on my mother's tree associated with Hale, and Ann Jones' line so I am trying to see if there are any links from both of these. For the time being Ann Jones' line has given me something to work on as it can be traced back at least another generation but I am stuck with Samuel Hale.
The only baptism (I can't find a birth record) for a Samuel Hale I can find is a baptism at Mitcheldean Congregationalist Church in 1831. This particular Samuel appears to have had two brothers: Enoch and Thomas, they were both younger than Samuel. The parents are listed as being John and Mary but I can find nothing more on them. I have found burial records for a John Hale and a Mary Hale, done through the same congregational church, but they were both born in the 1780s so seem too elderly to be Samuel's parents, particularly in view of the fact that his brothers were younger than him.
Can anyone help me with this? Perhaps someone is related to those who went to Rotherham (Kimberworth area) and can shed some light on it? ANy information on Ann Jones but particularly on Samuel Hale would be very much appreciated.

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