Cooper Family (Urgent)

by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 08:17 (694 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Gloucester Citizen

Wednesday 20 December 1944


Death of Mr A Cooper, Yorkley

One of the best known men in Forest Mining, MR ALBERT COOPER, of The Uplands, Yorkley, died suddenly on Monday at the age of 76.

Mr Cooper was born at Oldcroft and began work at the age of 14 at the old Speech House Colliery.

He began a student of mining, and finally obtained the qualification of colliery manager, gaining a first-class certificate in mining with honours.

He had been 58 years in colliery work, mainly at the New Fancy Works.

He was president of the Yorkley Cricket Club, of which he was one of the first members when the club was formed nearly 50 years ago.

He was also a manager of Viney Hill School, and a prominent member of St John.

His ambulance work was connected largely with collieries.

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