Croft Worgan DEW Yorkshire to Poolway House 1828 - 1889 (General)

by anthonyworgan @, Monday, September 04, 2023, 15:50 (555 days ago) @ CanberraKid

That's interesting - I can further add from my Coleford Book by Cyril Hart, Published by Alan Sutton in 1983:

Notes: 11 on page 197 -'The tradition was related to Miss M. Mushet in 1877 by Croft Worgan Dew the then owner of Poolway House, a direct descendent of Colonel Worgan: 'The weapon used was a battle-axe, which has been religiously preserved in the family, and handed down from father to son up to the present time (1877), and is now at Poolway House'

On page 173 concerning the Old Chapel in Coleford's centre (demolished in 1820) - two monuments of Royalists officers who had fallen at Coleford were supposed to be in this chapel......

For saving the life of King Charles, Colonel Worgan was granted three booms - First, that he might have the highest pew in the Church of Newland, Second, that his tenants and neighbours might brew and sell beer unmolested, i.e. without tax. And, third, that he might have a pup out of the Queen's bitch 'Lily'

40 years later, its still the best book I ever brought - a gold mine on Forest history and foresters.

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