Reece/Rees Family from Clearwell and district (General)

by Marj Rees, Thursday, October 05, 2023, 15:58 (524 days ago)

My Great-grandfather Alfred Rees had huge business and family ties to Clearwell and the surrounding area.He owned and worked a quarry(I think at Futterhill) for many years,and was also a farmer/shopkeeper and involved with the Church in Clearwell as a warden, during the 1860s. His sons continued the connections until the 1960s when my step-grandmother, Jesse Rees) ran the Post Office until her death.
I have had great difficulty researching his previous generations. Recently,through a DNA test, I have been able to trace some records of his father John Rees being born in Newchurch West Monmouth, and his parents John Rees/Reece(1760) and Eleanor Lewis(whose father, Walter Lewis,owned a farm at Wentwood Mills, Monmouth) and then moved to Stowe Hall Farm,on the Stowe Road,just outside Clearwell. I know their son John(1808) married Margaret Jarrett Thomas, who lived at Stowe Grange about a mile down the same road.
Has anyone any proof or comformation that can help me connect my confusing family?!!

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