William Hulin (General)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 02:09 (225 days ago) @ SueD

Hi Sue
Since you will be visiting St Briavels later this year, i hope you won't mind my suggesting a site i found very interesting to read about the area through history. It is "British History online".
In particular, " A History of the County of Gloucester : Volume 5, Bledisloe Hundred, St Briavels Hundred,the Forest of Dean".
You should be able to find St Briavels from this.
In it you should be able to find a detailed history, including the numbers of cottages and trades in the villages at different points of time.The Hulin family is mentioned, with a number of them being Masons in the 19th Century as well as being in the area earlier in the 18th Century. If my previous comment about Christopher Hulin looks promising to you, there will be references to Hudnall and Coldharbour to explore.
I realise this doesn't help you find your William but it should give you a feel for the locality and maybe focus your search .
I don't know how much effort or time you are able to devote to the search but something which worked for me was exploring the local church parish registers in detail. If for example you have a subscription to Ancestry or similar and are able to view the actual parish registers on line, you could go back page by page recording the details of all Hulins recorded. Then try to match them in to family groups, also paying attention to the names of any witnesses. Using the actual Census records for the areas to compare, say for 1851 & 41 with the Parish Registers should give you a feel for the area and the people in it.
St Briavels and surroundings don't appear to have been overpopulated and the distances between villages weren't anywhere near as large as the Hunter River area so hopefully the search should be fruitful.
Good luck.

Sid Toomey

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