Whitecliff Pottery (General)

by Slowhand-s @, Monday, June 20, 2005, 06:25 (7206 days ago) @ Slowhand-s

» The
» pottery, which employed 16 men and boys in 1851, (Footnote 63)

Some of the Pottery Workers in 1851 !

BLANCH George Visitor 26 Potters Labourer Newland
HUNCH Edward 36 Potter London
HUNCH Jeremiah 10 Potters Labourer
BURFORD James 32 Potters Labourer Newland
CROOK George 18 Potters Labourer Newland
CROOK Robert 13 Potters Labourer Newland
CLEMANTS (?) John 37 Potters Labourer Newland
MACLIN William 25 Pottery Labourer Bream
PRICHARD Isaac 50 Pottery Labourer Devizes
PARTRIDGE Emanuel 36 Pottery Labourer Leonard Stanley
FROWEN William Apprentice(?) 20 Newland
PALMER William 22 Pottery Labourer
MORGAN Robert 19 Pottery Labourer Newland
TAYLOR James 56 Pottery Labourer Newland
BAYTON William 37 Pottery Labourer Newland

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