Wintles of Mitcheldean 1800s and before (General)

by Sophronia, Friday, May 25, 2007, 08:14 (6502 days ago) @ amanda woolley

Hi Amanda,

I've just come across your posting on the FoD website. My WINTLE includes Jonathan WINTLE baptised 23 Oct 1763, Mitcheldean. John WINTLE bachelor of Mitchel Dean married Martha VINER Widow of Mitchel Dean by licence 5 Feb 1789 Mitcheldean, Gloucester. Martha's maiden name was GIBBS and Martha GIBBS spinster of Michel Dean married Henry VINER batchelor of Michel Dean 26 Jul 1786 by Licence at Mitcheldean.

Is this the John WINTLE you cite born c. 1764?

If so, I have much more information on this line that I would be willing to share with you.

Nancy Frey
Newcastle Ontario, CANADA

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