Thomas Everett Awre/Blakeney 1823 (General)

by slowhands :-) @, Tuesday, June 21, 2005, 05:33 (7205 days ago) @ SANDRA

All "we" know is he died after 1901

I guess you have two choices if yo are sure a will exists.

a/ submit a postal request based on period 1901 / 04, then 1904/08, 1909/1912 etc

b/ use 1837online or local family history centre to search BMD's to find his quarter of Death, probably in Westbury on Severn


In many cases you can save a lot of time and money by making the search yourself, but there is a postal service by which a search is made on your behalf for a period of four years. There is a fee of £5 for this, but this includes copies of the Will and/or grant if a record is found. It also gives you the benefit of the experience of Probate staff, for instance in knowing when to search and judging under which name the record is likely to be listed. If you want the Probate Registry to conduct a search for a period longer than the standard four years, there is an additional fee of £3 for each 4-year period after the first four. Thus, an 8-year search will cost £8, a 12-year search £11, and so on.

If you want to make a postal search, contact:

The Postal Searches and Copies Department
The Probate Registry
1st Floor
Castle Chambers
Clifford Street
York YO1 9RG

Tel: +44 (1904) 666777
Fax: +44 (1904) 666776

Applications for searches must be made in writing, and give the full name, last known address and date of death of the person concerned. A search can normally be made using less detail, but if the date of death is not known, you must state the year from which you want the search to be made, or give some other evidence that might indicate when the person died..."

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