BEACH family tree and branches (General)

by ilikesox, Thursday, July 26, 2007, 19:15 (6439 days ago) @ Fred Beach

Hi Fred

Yes I've wondered about Milson's wife - Lucy Haviland. I can only assume that her family is part of the lot which can trace its name and its variations to Guernsey. I haven't checked - I'm fairly new at this.

It would be great to find a link. I'm astounded that, over so many generations, people seem to stay in the same county. Milson of course made the big move to NZ - it's been quite hard to trace anything from this end. Let's hope there is a link between our families - and rely on some evidence.

I've tried researching not only the names we have, but siblings also. Do you know if the Beach/Beache/Beche family can trace its ancestry from that family which is responsible for those big statues? I found them somewhere on the net.

Our family here in NZ considers itself Maori - the indigineous peoples of NZ, and which one of Milson Beach and Lucy's sons married into. Three times! We have largely lost any traces of being descended from Forest of Dean stock - we simply weren't aware. Our ancestors here also lived generally within the same 'county'. That tradition still exists with some families but it's fading.

Where should we start to try make a link? Hawke's Bay is the place you're thinking of. I live about 2 1/2 hours away, in Gisborne and will be travelling there soon. I'll keep an eye out for some relations okay.


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