Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, July 18, 2005, 03:18 (7178 days ago)

Raymond Brain from the USA recently sent me a photo of the Enos Brain family which is on display in the 'Variety' section in the Photo Gallery.

The Enos Brain and Emma Fields family are from the Edgehills and Collafield areas of the Forest, they last lived at Tibb's Cross farm which it is said that it was sold to finance the move to the USA.

If anybody has any connections to this family or knows anything of their ancestors please leave a note.


Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family - 1881

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:48 (7178 days ago) @ admin

Enos Brain abt 1838 Edge Hill Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Emma Brain abt 1841 Littledean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Albert Brain abt 1861 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Caroline Brain abt 1880 Collafield Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Eliza Brain abt 1879 Collafield Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
George Brain abt 1875 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
James Brain abt 1865 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Ralph Brain abt 1878 Collafield Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Robert Brain abt 1863 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Samuel Brain abt 1874 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Sidney Brain abt 1872 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Simeon Brain abt 1868 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Timothy Brain abt 1866 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by Michael Gwilliam @, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:49 (7178 days ago) @ admin

I have no connection but the following may be of help.
First of all the 1881 Census entry:
Census Place: (Westbury On Severn) East Dean, Gloucester, England
Source: FHL Film 1341609 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2523 Folio 107 Page 3
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
Enos BRAIN M 43 M Edge Hill
Rel: Head
Occ: Coal Miner
Emma BRAIN M 40 F Littledean, Gloucester, England
Rel: Wife
Albert BRAIN U 20 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Coal Miner
Robert BRAIN U 18 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Coal Miner
James BRAIN U 16 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Coal Miner
Timothy BRAIN U 15 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Simeon BRAIN U 13 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Sidney BRAIN U 9 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Samuel BRAIN U 7 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
George BRAIN U 6 M Littledean
Rel: Son
Occ: Scholar
Ralph BRAIN U 3 M Collafield
Rel: Son
Eliza BRAIN U 2 F Collafield
Rel: Daur
Caroline BRAIN U 6 m F Collafield
Rel: Daur

1851 Census entry for BRAIN family:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN James HD M 41 Coal Miner GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN Mary WI M 41 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN John SO U 19 Coal Miner GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN Amos SO U 15 Coal Miner GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN Enos SO - 12 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN Charlotte DA - 10 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN Timothy SO - 3 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 084 Edge Hill BRAIN Simeon SO - 1 - GLS East Dean

1851 Census entry for FIELD family:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0369 151 Lodge Hill FIELD John HD M 52 Ag Lab GLS Upton
1959 0369 151 Lodge Hill FIELD Susan WI M 50 - GLS Cubberley [Coberley]
1959 0369 151 Lodge Hill FIELD Emma DA - 10 Scholar at Home GLS Extra Paroc+ Forest of Dean
1959 0369 151 Lodge Hill FIELD Richard SO - 13 Scholar at Home GLS Newnham
1959 0370 151 Lodge Hill FIELD Matilda DA - 7 Scholar at Home GLS Forest [of] Dean

From GFHS Marriage Index:
30 April 1831 James BRAIN married Mary HERBERT by Banns at Abenhall. Both from Hundred of St Briavels which means they were living on extra parochial land.

1 December 1823 John FIELD of Upton St Leonards married Susan HOPKINS by Licence at Brimpsfield.

John and Susan FIELD were both alive in 1881:
Dwelling: Slough Road
Census Place: Little Dean, Gloucester, England
Source: FHL Film 1341608 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2521 Folio 13 Page 1
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
John FIELD M 81 M Upton St Leonards, Gloucester, England
Rel: Head
Occ: ... Labourer (No Occupation)
Susan FIELD M 79 F Brimsfield, Gloucester, England
Rel: Wife

This is a possible baptism for Susan HOPKINS from IGI:
4 July 1802 Susan baptised at Colesborne Parents: George HOPKINS and Hannah.

and this entry from 1851 Census:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1968 0074 045 Brimpsfield HOPKINS George HD M 76 Alms Person F. Ag.Lab - -
1968 0074 045 Brimpsfield HOPKINS Susannah WI M 76 Alms Person F. Ag.Lab - -

Possible marriage from GFHS Marriage Index:
3 November 1800 George HOPKINS married Hannah BISHOP by Banns at Stanway.

There is a number of possible baptisms for James BRAIN listed in the IGI.

For Mary HERBERT we have this possible:
31 October 1809 Mary HERBUT baptised at Ruardean. Parents John HERBUT and Sarah.
This is a good example of phonetic spelling!

Sarah was widowed in 1851. This is the family:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0103 075 Ruardeanhill HERBERT George HD M 29 Coal Miner GLS East Dean
1959 0103 075 Ruardeanhill HERBERT Sophia WI M 27 - GLS East Dean
1959 0103 075 Ruardeanhill HERBERT Susannah DA U 5 - GLS East Dean
1959 0103 075 Ruardeanhill HERBERT Tabitha DA U 2 - GLS East Dean
1959 0103 075 Ruardeanhill HERBERT Sarah MO W 62 - GLS Ruardean
1959 0103 075 Ruardeanhill HERBERT Dennis NP U 13 Coal Miner GLS East Dean

End of Part One


Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by Michael Gwilliam @, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:51 (7178 days ago) @ admin

Part two:

There are two further entries in the 1851 Census in name of Enos BRAIN. They may well be connected so here are the households:

Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0366 125 Redding Lane BRAIN John HD M 27 Coal Miner GLS Littledean
1959 0366 125 Redding Lane BRAIN Mary WI M 25 - GLS Littledean
1959 0366 125 Redding Lane BRAIN Enos SO - 10M Infant GLS Littledean

Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0094 015 Ruardean Woodside BRAIN Sarah HD M 70 - GLS East Dean
1959 0094 015 Ruardean Woodside BRAIN Enos SO U 34 Coal Miner GLS East Dean
1959 0094 015 Ruardean Woodside BRAIN Leah DA U 24 - GLS East Dean
1959 0094 015 Ruardean Woodside HOWES Frederick GS U 10 - GLS East Dean


BRAIN - Grindle Collafield - > OHIO

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:55 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands


Caroline is the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth GRINDLE also of Collafield
She was born 29 May 1856 Collafield, and died 4 Feb 1937 in Moravia,
Appanoose Co., IA

Caroline Grindle married Albert BRAIN 9th Feb 1885 Littledean Church
Albert is the son of ENOS and EMMA Brain , of Littledean

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The killing of ENOS Brain Part 1

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:58 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

DECEMBER 12, 1901

The Reveile Echo, East Palestine, Ohio--Book 1901--Page 7


William Cox will have to Answer for such a crime.

Salem, December 13--Enos Brain(s) of Washingtonville died yesterday morning at his home. Three weeks ago, as a result of a family feud over a line fence, he and William Cox had an altercation in which Brain(s) was struck on the head with the sharp edge of a shovel in the hands of Cox. His age being 68 years he was not strong enough to withstand the shock

Two deep cuts were made in his scalp, and later developments revealed that his injuries were more serious than was at first supposed. At the time of the trouble Cox was arrested and fined $10 and costs for disturbing the peace. Later he was rearrested on a charge of assault with the intent to kill, but was released on $500 bond for a hearing last night.

After the death of Mr. Brain(s), Cox was rearraigned and lodged in the jail at Washingtonville. Coroner Stranghn arrived there about noon yesterday to hold an inquest and a postmortem examination was made by three physicians for the purpose of determining the exact cause of death.

The crime was found to have occurred in Mahoning county. The inquest lasted until midnight and the verdict is not yet announced. The autopsy revealed no external evidence of violence except two marks on the forehead. Inside the skull was found a fracture over the eye and an abscess on the brain, the later the immediate cause of death. Young Cox, who is a miner, is being held on a murder charge pending the coroner's verdict.

Saturday morning, Cox was taken to Youngtown and placed in the Mahoning county jail to await trial. He has retained attorneys W. E. Warren, of Leetonia, and W. S. Anderson to defend him, and the prosecution has so far been conducted by Attorneys F. A. Witz and John D. Morgan, of Leetonia.

The dead man was a miner and had resided in Washingtonville for several years. He leaves a widow and a large family of children.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The killing of ENOS Brain part 2

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 04:59 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

THE DAILY NEWS, SALEM, OHIO--Sat. Dec 14, 1901



Waived Examination at the Preliminary Hearing Taken to Youngstown Jail to Await Trial

At a preliminary hearing before Mayor Hayse, of Washingtonville Friday night William A Cox was (im)plicated in the death of Enos Brain of that place, who died Thursday, as is believed from the result of a beating received at the hands of Cox during a family quarrel on Nov. 20 waived examination and was held for trial before the (rotation place) court of Mahoney County on a charge of murder in the first degree. Cox was held without bail.

Saturday morning Cox was taken to Youngstown and placed in the Mahoney county jail to await trial. He has retained Attorneys W. E. Warren of Leetonia and W. S. Anderson of Youngstown to defend him, and the prosecution so far has (been contracted or conbarted) by Attorneys F. A. Witt and John D. Morgan of Leetonia.

Coroner Morrison of Mahoney County has not yet rendered a verdict in the case. The funeral of Brain will take place Monday morning.



As the Result of a Brutal Assault by William A. Cox at Washingtonville


Which had existed for three years--Assailant in Jail Awaiting Result of Coroner's verdict--Post Mortam Examination Maid (Made)

From Thursday's News

Hiram (Enos) Brain(s), of Washingtonville, died Thursday morning at 4 o'clock at his home. Three weeks ago as a result of a family feud over a line fence, he and William Cox had a altercation in which Brain(s) was struck on the head with the sharp edge of a shovel in the hands of Cox. He was 68 years old and was not strong to withstand the shock as he was seriously injured.

Two deep cuts were made in his scalp, and later developments revealed that his injuries were worse than was supposed at first.

At the time of the trouble Cox was arrested and fined $10 and costs for disturbing the peace. Later he was rearrested on a charge of assault with intent to kill, but was released on $400 bond and was to have his trial tonight.

After the death of Mr. Brain(s) Thursday morning, Cox was rearrested and lodged in the jail of Washingtonville to await the coroner's verdict.

Coroner Straugh arrived at Washingtonville about noon Thursday to hold an inquest and a post mortem examination was made by Drs. C. A. Rhodes, of this city, Brown of Washingtonville and McCreedy of Leetonia for the purpose of determining the exact cause of the death of Brain(s).

The charge against Cox may be changed to that of murder or man slaughter if the examination discloses the fact that the death of Mr. Brain(s) was directly caused by his injuries.

As he was an old man, it may be that the excitement contributed largely to the result and that a cerebral hemorrhage occurred.

Hiram (Enos) Brain(s) was a miner and had resided in Washingtonville for several years. He leaves a widow and a large family of children. The funeral will take place Monday at 10 a.m., internment being at Oak Land Cemetery at Washingtonville

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The killing of ENOS Brain Part 3

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 05:00 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands



Washingtonville Quarrel Seems to Have Ended in Murder

As a result of the quarrel reported from Washingtonville some time ago, Enos Brain is dead and William H. Cox must answer for his death. The quarrel took place in Mahoning county so that the county has another murder case to hear next court time. The Salem Herald thus reviews the testimony that was given at the inquest held by Coroner Morrison of Mahoning County:

"According to the testimony of one of the witnesses examined by Coroner R. M. Morrison in connection with the inquest held over the death of Brain, the deceased was engaged in digging a ditch. Cox came out of the house and emptied a pan of ashes in the ditch. Old man Brain was compelled to shovel them out and then a wrangle occurred. Cox took the shovel away from Brain and at that moment the wife and daughter came up. One asked if the shovel in Cox's possession was theirs and Cox spoke up with the declaration that if they didn't mind their own affairs he would brain the whole outfit.

The claim is made that he then struck the old man on the head, inflicting the wound from which he died. He also hit the daughter with such force that she was rendered unconscious for some time."

Echo, East Palestine, Ohio--Book 1902--Page 2--January 23, 1902


William B. Cox, the Accused Murderer of Enos Brain is Unconcerned.

William B. Cox, the young man of Washingtonville who is in the county jail under indictment for the second degree murder of Enos Brain, late of the same town, has little fear of the result of his trial by the court.

When seen by a press representative in the Youngstown jail Cox appeared but little perturbed over the prospects of the future. He said that his was an unfortunate position, but come what would, he did not see how any jury could look upon his case in any other light than that of its being aggravated assault.

"My standing in the community in which I have lived so long." he said, "will prove that I am not a criminal, that is the first trouble I was ever mixed up in, and this was a quarrel in which Mr. Brain was as much at fault as was I. Yes, I am willing to abide by the decision of the jury which is called to sit on my case."

A fact not generally known is that Cox was for about two years a member of the fire department, and was also at one time a substitute on the police force. as well a being a ward committeeman in Beaver Falls.

He has lived in Washingtonville with his aunt for a number of years and has always borne a good reputation. Daily, he receives letters from his home town in which friends encourage him to keep up under the strain and expressing the belief that he will come out of his troubles all right. Evidently he is popular among his acquaintances and they will await his trial with great interest.

Echo, East Palestine, Ohio---Book 1902--pg. 41


Indicted Man Produces Bond in the Sum of $500 Will Have Second Trial

William A. Cox, under indictment on the charge of second degree murder of Enos Brain, late of Washingtonville, has secured his release from the Mahoning county jail on bond. He will enjoy liberty until disposition of his case as made at a second trial which will take place during the May term of court of common pleas.

At the conclusion of the first trial when the jury failed to agree on a verdict the court fixed Cox's bond at $1,000. A few days ago at the request of the defendant's attorneys the amount of the bond was reduced to $500. Immediately signers were found in J. E. Gilbert and D. E. Staufler, of Washingtonville and on Monday morning they appeared in court and attached their signature to the instrument by which the prisoner was released.

Cox left on an early train for Washingtonville Monday, being desirous of reaching home in time to attend a public sale of the household effects of the late Mrs. Elinore Smart, with whom he resided at the time of the trouble. He expects to return to work.

MAY 1, 1902

William A. Cox, who was arrested some time ago and given a trial in the Mahoning county courts for the murder of Enos Brain at Washingtonville, is working near his home. Cox was granted a new trial after the jury disagreed. He is out on bail, and has a plan whereby he expects to avoid another trial, and still settle the case against him in a manner satisfactory to the court. Just what the plan consists of is not known, but it is reported in Youngstown that the court will allow Cox to plead guilty of assault and battery, and fix a stiff fine as punishment. This could be paid and the case dismissed.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN UK Census 1841 - 1881

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:01 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

ENOS BRAIN was born 30 Sep 1838 in Edgehills, Collafield, Gloucestershire, England,
and died 12 Nov 1901 in Washingtonville, OHIO

1841 HO107 / 364 /8 Folio 8
Edge Hills

James BRAIN 35 Coal Miner
Mary 34
John 9
Amos 4
Enos 2
Charlotte 3 months
All born in county

2 "doors away" James' parents / ENOS' Grandparents

William 63 Lime Burner and Beata 65
with Thomas 20 Emily 17 Lucy 12 - and of course several other Brian / Grindele families
as Edge Hills becomes Collafield

1851 East Dean
BRAIN James 43 Coal Miner East Dean
Mary 41 East Dean
John 19 Coal Miner East Dean
Amos 15 Coal Miner East Dean
Enos 12 East Dean
Charlotte 10 East Dean
Timothy 3 East Dean
Simeon 1 East Dean

Enos Brain abt 1838 Edge Hills, Gloucestershire, England Head Littledean Gloucestershire
Emma Brain abt 1842 Little Dean; East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Littledean Gloucestershire

Albert Brain abt 1860 Little Dean; East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Littledean Gloucestershire

Enos Brain abt 1839 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean Gloucestershire
Emma Brain abt 1842 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean Gloucestershire

Albert Brain abt 1861 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire
James Brain abt 1865 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire
Robert Brain abt 1863 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire
Sidney John Brain abt 1870 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire
Simon Brain abt 1868 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire
Timothy Brain abt 1866 Greenway E Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire

Enos Brain abt 1838 Edge Hill Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Emma Brain abt 1841 Littledean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Albert Brain abt 1861 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Caroline Brain abt 1880 Collafield Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Eliza Brain abt 1879 Collafield Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
George Brain abt 1875 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
James Brain abt 1865 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Ralph Brain abt 1878 Collafield Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Robert Brain abt 1863 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Samuel Brain abt 1874 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Sidney Brain abt 1872 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Simeon Brain abt 1868 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Timothy Brain abt 1866 Littledean Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN UK Census 1841 - 1881

by Michael Gwilliam @, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:10 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

» >>>>
» 2 "doors away" his parents
» William 63 Lime Burner and Beata 65
» with Thomas 20 Emily 17 Lucy 12 - and of course several other Brian /
» Grindele families
» as Edge Hills becomes Collafield

From GFHS Burial Index:

Date: 24 JUN 1849
First Name: WILLIAM
Surname: BRAIN
Age: 71
Burial Register: LITTLEDEAN 1845-1865
Place of Abode: EAST DEAN

Date: 8 DEC 1859
First Name: BEATA
Surname: BRAIN
Age: 76
Burial Register: LITTLEDEAN 1845-1865
Place of Abode: EAST DEAN

1851 Census entry:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0252 085 Edge Hill BRAIN Beata HD W 68 - GLS East Dean

A Forest boy who managed to cross the Severn!!

Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by Michael Gwilliam @, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:16 (7178 days ago) @ admin

More BRAIN families at Edge Hill in 1851:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN Charles HD M 39 Iron Miner GLS East Dean
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN Mary WI M 41 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN Amelia DA - 15 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN Joseph SO - 13 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN Charles SO - 11 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN Iram SO - 7 Scholler GLS East Dean
1959 0252 088 Edge Hill BRAIN George SO - 1 - GLS East Dean

Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0252 090 Edge Hill BRAIN William HD M 46 Quarry Man GLS Littledean
1959 0252 090 Edge Hill BRAIN Susannah WI M 28 - GLS Littledean
1959 0252 090 Edge Hill BRAIN Beata DA U 17 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 090 Edge Hill BRAIN Mary A.H. DA - 10 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 090 Edge Hill BRAIN Margarett DA - 3 - GLS East Dean
1959 0252 090 Edge Hill BRAIN Jesse SO - 1 - GLS East Dean


Enos BRAIN - Grand Parents

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:17 (7178 days ago) @ Michael Gwilliam

Carried away earlier - sorry

WILLIAM BRAIN was born Apr 1785 in Little Dean, Gloucestershire, England, and died 24 Jun 1849 in East Dean, Gloucestershire, England.

She was born Apr 1775, and died 3 Dec 1859 in Edgehills, East Dean, Gloucesteshire, England.

JAMES BRAIN, b. 10 Jun 1807, Little Dean, Gloucestershire, England; d. 24 Aug 1886, Collafield, Gloucestershire, England.
THOMAS BRAIN, b. 1817.
BETEAH BRAIN, b. 1822.
EMILAH BRAIN, b. 1824.
LUCY BRAIN, b. 1828.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN -Parents / siblings

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:24 (7178 days ago) @ Michael Gwilliam

JAMES BRAIN was born 10 Jun 1807 in Little Dean, , and died 24 Aug 1886 in Collafield

He married MARY HERBERT 13 Apr 1831 in Abenhall (?) She was born 1808 in Abinghall and died 13 Dec 1887 in Collafield-Edgehills.

Children of JAMES BRAIN and MARY HERBERT are:

JOHN BRAIN, b. 1832.
JAMES BRAIN, b. 1833.
AMOS BRAIN, b. 3 Apr 1836.
ENOS BRAIN, b. 30 Sep 1838, Edgehills, Collafield, ; d. 12 Nov 1901, Washingtonville, OHIO
CHARLOTTE BRAIN, b. 4 Apr 1841.
JAMES BRAIN, b. 1844.
SIMION BRAIN, b. 1850.
ALICE BRAIN, b. 1853.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN - Grand Parents

by Michael Gwilliam @, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:43 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

From GFHS Marriage Index:
1 January 1807 William BRAIN, Widower, of Extra parofical land married Beata BEDDIS at Flaxley.

23 October 1800 William BRAYNE married Jane MORGAN by Banns at Littledean


Enos BRAIN - Grand Parents - suspicion ?

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 06:44 (7178 days ago) @ slowhands

Have my suspicion that this may be William (63 in 1841) hence DoB 1777/78

Christening: 06 APR 1777 Newnham, Gloucester, England


Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.
The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C030421 1719 - 1812 0425477 Film 6911774 Film
Sheet: 00

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by Eandka, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Monday, July 18, 2005, 14:26 (7178 days ago) @ admin

Hi, Raymond: How fortunate you are to have such a wonderful family photo! Thanks for sharing it. Caroline GRINDLE, wife of Albert BRAIN, was a sister to my Thomas (born 1849), who married my G gf's sister, Elizabeth SMITH in Wales (1870). Eandka

Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 18, 2005, 14:34 (7178 days ago) @ Eandka

Hi good to "see" you again !


Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Enos BRAIN - Grand Parents - suspicion ?

by Ray Brain @, Monday, July 25, 2005, 17:14 (7171 days ago) @ slowhands

If the suspicion stated below were true to prove true it would be a break through. Very Interestion.
Thank you and
best regards,

Enos BRAIN - Grand Parents - suspicion ?

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, July 25, 2005, 17:30 (7171 days ago) @ Ray Brain

Suspicion based on age and parish - Newnham would be OK for parts of what we now call Littledean.

Hope this helps open up some more avenues

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The killing of ENOS Brain part 2

by Ray Brain @, Monday, August 01, 2005, 12:26 (7164 days ago) @ slowhands

Just a note that might be of interest to those who read these clippings.
I received these clippins in responce to a Ohio querie board from the wife of the son of william Cox who kindly responded. I have since lost her name but feel I should thank her again here for her kindness.

Ray Brain

Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by Ray Brain @, Idaho, Wednesday, September 21, 2005, 20:52 (7113 days ago) @ Eandka

Hi Eandka,

Thank you for replying. It's always nice to meet a new cousin. I hope the picture and any info that followed helped you in your quest.
Bye for now.

Best regards

Grandmother of Enos Brain

by SANDRA @, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 05:33 (7112 days ago) @ Ray Brain

Beata Beddis was from Awre, daughter of James Beddis 1742 and Mary Meredith 1748. James and Mary had four children Elizabeth 1775, Thomas 1779, Ann 1788 & Beata 1785. Incidentally Thomas married a Susannah Brain, born 1783.
James Beddis was the son of Mary Morgan 1717, of English Bicknor and Edward Beddis 1706, of Awre. Parents of Mary were Ann Taylor, 1664 and John Morgan 1660 of Awre. Parents of Edward were Joan Hypsey, 1685 and William Beddis 1680.

Grandmother of Enos Brain - Beateah

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 05:38 (7112 days ago) @ SANDRA

BEATEAH BEDDIS, daughter of JAMES BEDDIS and MARY MEREDITH. She was born Apr 1775(?), and died 3 Dec 1859 in Edgehills, East Dean, Gloucesteshire, England.

Burial info suggest 1783 !!
Date: 8 DEC 1859
First Name: BEATA
Surname: BRAIN
Age: 76
Burial Register: LITTLEDEAN 1845-1865
Place of Abode: EAST DEAN

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

1851 census

by SANDRA @, Thursday, September 22, 2005, 07:14 (7112 days ago) @ slowhands

BRAIN James 43 Coal Miner East Dean
Mary 41 East Dean
John 19 Coal Miner East Dean
Amos 15 Coal Miner East Dean
Enos 12 East Dean
Charlotte 10 East Dean
Timothy 3 East Dean
Simeon 1 East Dean
BRAIN Beata Widow/er 68 East Dean

This puts Beata's year of birth about 1783/1784. She was baptised in 1785.

1851 census

by G PAYNE, Sunday, December 20, 2015, 16:40 (3371 days ago) @ SANDRA

Hi Sandra, I've read somewhere (could only have been the forum) that William A Cox was 22 at the time of his assault on Enos.

I've trawled through but cannot find a reference.

Can you help?

Graham Payne
(decendant of Enos)
text 07800 893775

Age of William A Cox in November 1901

by G PAYNE, Sunday, December 20, 2015, 16:52 (3371 days ago) @ Ray Brain

Hi Ray, we must be related.

l read somewhere (could only have been the forum) that William A Cox was 22 at the time of his asssault on Enos.

I've trawled through to no avail - have l imagined it?

I have much information to post on the forum in the near future.


Graham Payne
(Great, Great Grandson of Enos)

Age of William A Cox in November 1901

by G PAYNE, Sunday, December 20, 2015, 17:02 (3371 days ago) @ SANDRA

Hi again Sandra,

Enos Brain was my Great Great Grandfather on my mothers side.

Graham Payne

Age of William A Cox in November 1901

by G PAYNE, Sunday, December 20, 2015, 17:06 (3371 days ago) @ SANDRA

Hi again Sandra,

Enos Brain was my Great Great Grandfather on my mothers side.


Graham Payne

1851 census

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Monday, December 21, 2015, 19:28 (3370 days ago) @ G PAYNE

The 1900 US Census shows Enos BRAIN living in Washingtonville, Ohio with his wife, daughters and son-in-law. The next entry shows William A COX, a nephew of the head, living in the household of Eleanor SMART, a widow of 65. He is single and aged 36 (born September 1863).


by G PAYNE, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 16:23 (3369 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Hi Mike,

Yes I have a copy of the 1900 census & calculate he would have been 37 at the time of the assault on Enos. I was sure I'd read somewhere he was aged 22 & is described as a 'young man' in newspaper reports at the time - 38 is more middle-aged. I must have imagined I'd read aged 22.

I have information to add to the forum & am tying up lose ends before I do so.

Are you related?

Reports state 'family fued' - have you any idea what relation William Cox was to Enos (I suspect nephew?) & what was the final judicial outcome?

Also did he marry & if so to whom & when & where did he die & what was his middle name (A....)?

I've trawled through post 1902 but found nothing - any idea?


Graham Payne


by G PAYNE, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 16:42 (3369 days ago) @ admin

Hi Ray,

We must be distant relatives.

Enos Brain was my Great Great Grandfather on my Mothers side.

I have information to post on the forum but need to dot a few I's & cross a few T's before doing so.

I'm sure I'd read somewhere (it could have only been on the forum) that William Cox was aged 22 at the time of his assault on Enos & newspaper reports describe him as a 'young man' - but the 1900 census states he was 36, so he would have been 37 in the November of 1901 meaning he would have been more 'middle aged'.

What also was the final judicial outcome, what was his middle name (A ........), how was he related to Enos (I suspect nephew?), who, if anyone, did he marry & when & where did he die?

The last report I found on the case was May 1902 but cannot find any reference post that date.

Any ideas?


Graham Payne


by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 22:56 (3369 days ago) @ G PAYNE

Hello Graham,

No, I don’t think I’m related to Enos BRAIN (but you never know where the Forest is concerned). Just interested in mysteries.

You are right that there seems to be nothing after 1902. The Stark County Democrat (from Library of Congress) reported that William A COX’s aunt, Eleanor SMART, principal witness, died on the night of Jan 13th/14th 1902 and that this threw the prosecution case into disarray. Does this mean she was a witness against him? The same paper reported on March 4th that his trial for second degree murder had begun the previous day. On March 7th it reported that the emergence of a witness, Dr KIMBLE, who corroborated his account that the BRAINs had attacked him first, and that he was just defending himself, destroyed the prosecution case. However, the jury could not agree on a verdict. That’s where it seems to end.

Perhaps this is him in the US 1920 Census? The only thing this has going for it is that he was born in Ohio and both his parent were born in Virginia (as per the 1900 Census). Also, if I have my US geography right, Columbiana is a very short distance from Washingtonville.


Name: William A Cox
Age: 56
Birth Year: abt 1864
Birthplace: Ohio
Home in 1920: Salem Ward 4, Columbiana, Ohio
Street: East High Street
House Number: 295
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Martha A Cox
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Plasterer
Industry: Ar Houses
Employment Field: Wage or Salary
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
William A Cox Head, 56
Martha A Cox Wife, 36
Marion A Cox Son, 14
W Kenneth Cox Son, 7


by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 23:53 (3369 days ago) @ G PAYNE

From FamilySearch a deeply suspicious marriage:-

Name Wm. A. Cox
Residence Washingtonville O.
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 19 Dec 1903
Event Place Columbiana, Ohio, United States
Age 30
Birth Year (Estimated) 1873
Birthplace Gallipolis, O.
Occupation Plasterer
Father's Name Frances A. Cox
Mother's Name Elizabeth Crotty
Spouse's Name Martha A. Boales
Residence Salem O.
Occupation Pottery Hand
Spouse's Age 21
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1882
Spouse's Birthplace Ohio
Spouse's Father's Name Joseph Boales
Spouse's Mother's Name Baughton

This would require him to lop ca 9/10 years from his age but who knows?

Enos BRAIN and Emma FIELDS family

by G PAYNE, Monday, January 04, 2016, 16:29 (3356 days ago) @ admin

Hi Ray, we must be related.

Enos Brain was my Great Great Grandfather on my mothers side.

Graham Payne

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