Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford (General)

by Norman Williams @, Saturday, March 05, 2005, 06:50 (7313 days ago)

Can anyone help me to find the location of Jacobs Outfitters in High Street Cinderford.

My Grandfather died in 1911. The address on the Death Certificate is just 'High Street' but as he worked for Jacobs I believe it may have been a flat above the shop.

Also I have been looking for the site of Hewood Lodge which was demolished some years ago. My Grandmother died there in 1939. The address on the Death Certificate was given as Mitcheldean, but I believe that it was in the woods North of Littledean Hill and the Heywood sports Centre.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by slowhands @, Saturday, March 05, 2005, 08:24 (7313 days ago) @ Norman Williams

Jacobs Clothiers were certainly on the High St - I think I 've seen a picture with an Outfitters near the Triangle and the Co Op, but I cant lay my fingers on it just now !

Heywood Inclosure stretched up to Nailbridge and the Holy Trinity Church, so the northern end "might" be referred to as Mitcheldean.


Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Norman Williams @, Wales UK, Sunday, March 06, 2005, 19:48 (7311 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks for that. I beleive that you are right. Someone else has sent me a copy of a postcard showing The Triangle with what may be the shop on the left of the picture. Unfortunately the name of the shop cannot be read.
If you do come across anything more I would be delighted to hear from you.
Best wishes. Norman.

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by SANDRA DAY @, Forest of dean, Friday, March 18, 2005, 12:40 (7299 days ago) @ Norman Williams

I can remember Jacobs outfitters from when I was a child. It was in the Triangle and at the beginning of Commercial street.
Hope this helps.

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by May @, Forest of Dean, Saturday, March 19, 2005, 23:57 (7298 days ago) @ Norman Williams

Hello Norman,

There is a picture of Jacobs shop in the early 1900's on page 30 of this book:-

The Old Photographs Series
Forest to Severn
Compiled by Humphrey Phelps

Published by Alan Sutton Limited
Riverside Court

ISBN 0 -7524 - 0008 - 8

The copy I am looking at (from Cinderford Library) was first published in 1994 and priced at £7.99
Jacobs was just below Midland Bank (now HSBC?) and is now a Scotts shoe shop.

Hope this helps


Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Norman williams @, Wales UK, Sunday, April 24, 2005, 16:02 (7262 days ago) @ May

Hello May.
Thanks for that info.
I will ask my local library to get me a copy. They usually manage to find books for me, although they are a little slow.
Best wishes Norman.

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Ray Davies @, Tuesday, November 08, 2005, 22:17 (7064 days ago) @ Norman Williams

My father, William Henry Davies, was the manager of Montague Jacobs shop in The Triangle from about 1935 to his retirement in 1960

Montague JACOBS 1881 Lydney

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 22:03 (6840 days ago) @ Ray Davies

Name: Montague Jacobs
Year of Registration: 1880
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Chepstow
County: Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 14

1881 Newerne
Isaac W. Jacobs abt 1852 Poland Head Lydney Gloucestershire Draper
Blema Jacobs abt 1853 Poland Wife Lydney Gloucestershire
Ester Jacobs abt 1879 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Lydney Gloucestershire
Gertrude Jacobs abt 1872 Abertillery, Monmouth, Wales Daughter Lydney Gloucestershire
Montague Jacobs Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son Lydney Gloucestershire
Rosy Jacobs abt 1878 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Lydney Gloucestershire
Herman Jacobs abt 1863 Poland Visitor Lydney Gloucestershire
Mary Strange abt 1859 Chepstow, Monmouth, Wales Servant Lydney Gloucestershire
V Susan Thomas abt 1868 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Servant Lydney Gloucestershire

Issac M Jacobs abt 1851 Poland Head St George Gloucestershire
Rosalin Jacobs abt 1858 Thorn, Germany Wife St George Gloucestershire
Edgar Jacobs abt 1889 Whitecroft, Gloucestershire, England Son St George Gloucestershire
Esther Jacobs abt 1879 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter St George Gloucestershire
Hyman Jacobs abt 1885 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son St George Gloucestershire
Joseph Jacobs abt 1884 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son St George Gloucestershire
Lionel Jacobs abt 1888 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son St George Gloucestershire
Montague Jacobs abt 1881 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son St George Gloucestershire

1901 25 25 King Square Bristol
Isaac Jacob abt 1852 Poland Head Bristol Gloucestershire
Rosalie Jacob abt 1855 Germany Wife Bristol Gloucestershire
Aaron Jacob abt 1870 Poland Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Edgar Jacob abt 1889 White; Croft, Gloucestershire, England Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Harry Jacob abt 1895 Bristol Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Hettie Jacob abt 1879 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Bristol Gloucestershire
Hyman Jacob abt 1885 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Joseph Jacob abt 1884 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Leonel Jacob abt 1887 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Nathan Jacob abt 1882 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son Bristol Gloucestershire
Rosie Jacob abt 1878 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Bristol Gloucestershire
Mildred Mone abt 1884 Bristol Servant Bristol Gloucestershire
Arthur Goldman abt 1898 Bristol Grandson Bristol Gloucestershire

Nathaniel Jacobs abt 1882 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Son St George Gloucestershire
Rosie Jacobs abt 1878 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter St George Gloucestershire

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by June Jacobs @, Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 03:50 (6833 days ago) @ Ray Davies

I am the daughter of Monty Jacobs and remmember your father wonder if you knew me as a little girl

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 13:50 (6840 days ago) @ Norman Williams

related Newspaper advertisement article in

Its the start of Commercial St (i.e. the end of Market St ) which I would "place" as near what became the Soldiers and Sailors Club

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Norman Williams @, Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 21:30 (6840 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks for that snippet of information. I wonder if that was a closing down sale before moving to the triangle? Does anyone know?

Elijah JACOBS 1855 (Poland) Cinderford

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 21:54 (6840 days ago) @ Norman Williams

Looks like a seasonal sale in 1887 as he is still trading in Commercial St in 1891.

1881 Commercial St
Elijah Jacobs abt 1857 (B S), Germany Head Westbury on Severn - East Dean Gloucestershire
Rebecca Jacobs abt 1858 (B S), Germany Wife Westbury on Severn - East Dean Gloucestershire
Rosa Jacobs abt 1880 Newport, Monmouth, Wales Daughter Westbury on Severn - East Dean Gloucestershire
Judy Jacobs abt 1876 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Visitor Westbury on Severn - East Dean Gloucestershire
Clara Banister abt 1869 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Servant Westbury on Severn - East Dean Gloucestershire
Eliza Banister abt 1866 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Servant Westbury on Severn - East Dean Gloucestershire

Name: Rebecca Jacobs
Birth Date: abt 1856
Year of Registration: 1889
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
Age at death: 33
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 141

1891 start of Commercial St ( just off Triangle) Cinderford
Elijah Jacobs abt 1857 Poland Head East Dean Gloucestershire Widow
Florence Jacobs abt 1885 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire
Gertrude Jacobs abt 1881 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire
Rose Jacobs abt 1880 Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire
Aaron Jacobs abt 1870 Poland Nephew East Dean Gloucestershire
Gertrude Jacobs abt 1872 Abertillery, Glam Niece East Dean Gloucestershire
Maria Walding abt 1873 Staffordshire, England Servant East Dean Gloucestershire

Name: Ada Sions
Name: Elijah Jacobs
Year of Registration: 1900
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Islington
County: Greater London, London, Middlesex
Volume: 1b
Page: 845

1901 Belle Vue Road Cinderford
Elizah Jacobs abt 1855 Naknalized Englishman, Poland Head East Dean Gloucestershire
Ada Jacobs abt 1859 London, England Wife East Dean Gloucestershire
Florrie Jacobs abt 1885 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire
Gerty Jacobs abt 1882 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire
Nathan Jacobs abt 1884 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean Gloucestershire
Rosie Jacobs abt 1880 Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales Daughter East Dean Gloucestershire

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by june miller @, Haifa israel, Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 03:45 (6833 days ago) @ Norman Williams

I am the daughter of monty jacobs and grand daughter of allia jacobs I left Cinderord in 1948 .there was a flat over the shop but all was gutted about 15years ago by fire. any one who remembers me please do get in contact.

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Norman Williams @, West Wales, Thursday, June 29, 2006, 03:22 (6832 days ago) @ june miller

Thank you June for that information.
I have seen both the postcard and the book illustration apparently showing the shop in the Triangle. As I remember it the Triangle is the intersection of High Street and Commercial Street.Do you know if that was the only location for the business?
Would anyone know if there are any documents in existence relating to the Jacobs business?

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Maurice Teague, Westbury on Severn, Thursday, June 29, 2006, 06:00 (6832 days ago) @ Norman Williams

Jacob's outfitters and emporium was on the upperside of The Triangle and Market St was on the lower side, it ran from High St through the Triangle to the Soldiers and Sailors Club where it became Commercial St.

In the Triangle when I was a lad above Montys was Wilkins sweet shop then a small gap, a telephone box, then the Midland Bank [now HSBC I believe]. Finally Montys Just around the corner in Market St was Horace Bonsers fruit and veg shop, also famous for his pikelets [crumpets to the uninitiated]. On the left hand side of the Triangle which was Station St was the back entrance to the Union Hotel and access to various businesses in the High St. At the bottom corner was Percy V. Drew's Shoe shop. On the market St side of the Triangle were Burtons groceries [now a chemist] a small shop sweets I think [Miss Bowds ?] Gardeners Electrical goods, Mundys gents hairdressing, Wintles groceries, Kear's bakers shop another shop which changed hands frequently then Westaways grocers.

As you can see in this small area the town had plenty of grocers and this was only a small selection of those available, there were many more available in the rest of the town. Where are they now?

Mr Davies was the manager of Montys. Mr Jacobs lived at the time in Belle Vue Rd next door to St Stephens Church although he was not of that religion. I fleetingly knew his son Ralph who went to school at Monmouth but he left about a year after I started.

My memories of the Triangle are of the 1939 period and the following years till the present day. In those heady days Edwards buses and to a smaller extent Meeks of Nailbridge picked up passengers along side of the memorial. Bevans of Soudley also stopped outside the bank on their way through to Soudley and Blakeney.

I hope this establishes the wherabouts of Montys although he may have had earlier premises elsewhere in town but I have not found any as yet.

Jacobs Outfitters, Cinderford

by Norman Williams @, West Wales, Thursday, June 29, 2006, 10:30 (6832 days ago) @ Maurice Teague

Thank you Maurice for that information.
You mentioned that you were at Monmouth. When would that have been?
Regards Norman Williams.

The Triangle

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, June 29, 2006, 21:17 (6831 days ago) @ Maurice Teague


It was very enjoyable reading your descption of the Shops that were situated in The Triangle.

I hope you post a few more stories of what it was like in the Forest when you were younger as they are especially interesting to people like myself who have never lived in the Forest.

The Triangle / Commercial St

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, June 29, 2006, 21:52 (6831 days ago) @ admin

Image "Cinderford 1907 Commercial St"


Stood in Market St , back to the Triangle
on Left is Commercial St, heading off to Church Rd and Stockwell Green
on Right is Victoria St , heading off to the Forge Hammer and Cinderford Bridge.

Jacobs and, the Soldiers and Sailors are very close to this spot!

Started just after WW1 the social club known as the Soldiers & Sailors

1 Commercial Street , Cinderford , Gloucestershire GL14 2RP

its above the shop with the bow front in the centre of the image, dare I ask if the shop is Elijah Jacobs ?

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The Triangle / Commercial St

by Maurice Teague @, Westbury on Severn, Friday, June 30, 2006, 02:01 (6831 days ago) @ slowhands

I was at Monmouth School from September 1946 till December 1952.

Soldiers and Sailors club is at the junction of Market St,Commercial St and Victoria St about 200yds from Montys in the Triangle.I was a member there for many years.
I am glad that you have found my memories of Cinderford of interest,there are many more of them.Whilst my memory of things past is quite good my day to day memory leaves a lot to be desired.
I was born in Heywood in what is now called Trinity rd where it joins Woodgate rd formerly just known as Heywood,when I was still a baby my parents moved up the road to a bungalow 1 house from the wood which extended through to Mitcheldean,oh what a playground that was!
My memories are available to anyone who has a question to ask and I will answer if I can.

Forest Memories

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, June 30, 2006, 02:26 (6831 days ago) @ Maurice Teague

My memories are available to anyone who has a question to ask and I will answer if I can.

That is good to hear

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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