Make sure you include: Name - Dates - Location (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 04:59 (5699 days ago)

Good queries get good results

To make good use of this forum you need to write a good query. A good query is bound to get you good results, other members will respond. A bad query will be ignored. Good queries are clear, precise and have enough information to allow readers to help you.

Name - Dates - Location
As there are so many people who lived in the Forest that had the same name, it is important that you include all three in your query when you are seeking information about a person.

A name is of little use without a date and a location.

Other imformation to include

Good Query

Subject: Marriage of William JONES born Lydney 1838

William JONES was born 1838 in Lydney, lived in Bream from 1860 till his death in 1897.

From census records I discovered that his wife's name was Mary (surname unknown) born circa 1840. Known children were John, James, Sarah & Mary all born at Bream in the 1860s.

I am looking for a details of their marriage so I can obtain Mary's surname. I've searched the Parish Records on this site but I'm unable to find a record of their marriage.

Bad Query

Subject: Help!

Looking for any information on William Jones

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Guide lines from Slowhands

Do not use all UPPER or all lower case letters

Do not include your e-mail address in a post

Have you searched the Parish Records on this Web site?

Do not use this forum in searching for Living Relatives

Web site is specific to the Forest of Dean

Make sure you include: Name - Dates - Location

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