Plaque made to commemorate James Henry Ball (Photo Gallery)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, August 20, 2009, 17:05 (5684 days ago) @ admin

Supplied by Rae Clarke

Plaque made to commemorate James Henry Ball
in Lake Terrace cemetery Mt Gambier, South Australia.

My great great grandfather James Henry Ball was baptised 11 June 1809 in
St Andrew's Church Woolaston, the son of James Henry Ball and Mary

In 1832 James married Anne Price, daughter of James Price and Anne
Reeks, at St Andrews Woolaston.

James and Anne arrived at Port Adelaide in 1852 per 'Sea Park' with 5 of
their children.

James Henry Ball died 29 Aug 1883 at Strathdownie Vic Australia aged 75
years, leaving 22 children, 56 grand-children and 6 great grand-children.

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