Family History Fair Glamorgan (Announce)

by djones @, Rhondda Valley, Glamorgan, Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 08:27 (5650 days ago)

If your Forest of Dean ancestors like mine moved to Glamorgan, this may be of interest.

The popular annual Glamorgan Family History Society Fair will be held at
Cardiff City Hall on 3rd October 2009 from 10 am to 4 pm - Admission free.
TV and Radio personality Roy Noble will open the event.

Would you like to find out more about your ancestors? Our "help and advice"
teams will be there to help you get started and possibly find some of those
elusive ancestors. The six branches of the GFHS (Bridgend, Cardiff, Cynon
Valley, Merthyr Tydfil, Pontypridd & Rhondda and Swansea) will also be able
to help with their in-depth local knowledge. There will be stalls selling
old postcards, local and family history books, family and local history
societies' publications (transcriptions of parish registers, censuses,
monumental inscriptions, etc) in CD, booklet and other formats. Interesting
free lectures on a variety of topics are available during the day.

For more details and a list of those attending see our website at These include Welsh and English family and local history
societies together with National bodies, local government departments
(county archives, register offices, libraries, etc) and well-known
commercial firms.

There are also marvellous prizes in our raffle including free subscriptions
to national online genealogical sites, family and local history books, CDs,

Come along and enjoy the fun - there is even a young archaeologists' section
for the children.

Rhondda Valley Boy

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