Gloucestershire Archives charging us to photograph records (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Saturday, November 21, 2009, 04:06 (5591 days ago) @ monfamilies

The reason why I have only made public the basic facts from the replies we've received from Gloucestershire Archives and not the full contents, is because they clearly state that their correspondence is strictly confidential.

Putting the camera charge issue aside, we have always had an excellent relationship with the Archives and we've received full co-operation from them in assisting us to photograph the parish records. They have given us access to documents that would not normally be available to the public because of the fragile condition they are in.

Though we object strongly to the camera charges and have put up a fight against them being imposed on us, we have no wish for our relationship with the Archives to change.

Regarding the GRO, I am not aware of any issue with them that we need to reconsider. If there was a request from them, the management team of our project would certainly discuss it.

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