Joyford Baptist Chapel c1895 (Photo Gallery)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, February 14, 2010, 14:13 (5506 days ago) @ admin

Sent to us by Nigel Miller

Joyford Baptist Chapel c1895

This photo is the Baptist Chapel at the bottom of Joyford Hill, sometime around
the late 1890's. The gentleman standing on the right, with the impressive
moustache, is William Henry Adams, and the lady to his left is his wife, Kate
Elizabeth Vaughan.

Somewhere in the picture is their child, Daisy Maude Adams, my Grandmother.
Daisy (Lee, then from 1949, Niblett) became the organist at the same chapel.

Sometime around the early 70's the chapel was demolished, and my family came
into possession of the chapel treadle organ. I don't know what happened to the
organ itself, but my sister in Derbyshire still has the organ stool, although
it's been re-covered at least once.

If anybody has any other information relating to the photo I'd be very grateful.

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