Ruardean Congregational Chapel (Announce)

by ritpetite @, New Zealand, Sunday, July 11, 2010, 17:35 (5358 days ago) @ admin

I thought it was very sad that the place has not been maintained (from someone who lives in a young country with hardly any historical buildings I find it difficult to comprehend).

I am soory if I offend anyone but I think the brothers who bought it could have made an effort.

It would have made a lovely cafe with a conservatory in the graveyard. Imagine dining with your ancestors. How amazing that would have been.

Well done to those of you who made the effort and transcribed the inscriptions not an easy job. Thank you for all the hard work you put in and also of this website. If it were not for people like you I would be floundering trying to put puzzle pieces together.

Rita from NZ

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