Three different ways of Searching the Wills Index (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, September 27, 2010, 05:25 (5281 days ago) @ admin

Three different ways of Searching the Wills Index

There are now three ways you can use the Wills search facility to gather information contained in the Wills Indexes.

Typically the following information is available about the testator:

Beneficiaries and Others
These are the people that are name on the Will, such as beneficiaries, witnesses and executors.Typically the following information is available about the Beneficiaries:

Beneficiaries and Others mentioned in a Will
If you have found a Will of interest in the Index, make a note of the Will number and insert it in the form to bring up a list of all the people mentioned in that Will.

Note: only a small proportion of the Wills have so far had the names of the 'Beneficiaries and Others' extracted and put into the database, as more names are extracted the database will be updated.

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