Save the Forest of Dean from sell-off (Announce)

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Thursday, October 28, 2010, 20:18 (5249 days ago) @ admin

Thanks for drawing this to our attention, forests and woodlands are our heritage on every level and no price can be put on them. I am shocked to hear of the proposal to sell them off and will do all I can to raise my objections to this proposal. Only yesterday did I look into the definition of "a True Forester". It's over 130 years since the family from which I descend from the Forest of Dean left it and yet their descendants were still proud that they had been "True Foresters". To sell off the Forest of Dean would completely devastate it on every level.

The Woodland Trust tries to save threatened woodlands but they are limited by their resources as they are only able to purchase what they can afford due to being a charity. I reported two to them; one had been purchased before they could bid on it the other they weren't interested in because it was in an inner city, albeit a valuable glimpse into the countryside. However they planted a woodland in memory of a friend who died when she was 49 and of her parents and did a very good job of it. I don't think they could compete against huge business empires bidding against them on such a wide scale despite their valiant attempt to rescue as much woodland as they can.

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