Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions (Announce)
by admin , Forest of Dean, Friday, September 09, 2011, 21:41 (4933 days ago)
Many thanks to May & John Brace who kindly photographed and transcribed the headstones and made them available for us all.
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by sylviamorgan , Sunday, September 11, 2011, 13:29 (4931 days ago) @ admin
I1d like to thank May and John BRACE for their hard work
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by cmfenton , Ferndown, Dorset, Monday, September 12, 2011, 19:53 (4930 days ago) @ sylviamorgan
I whole-hearted support Sylvia's comments in acknowledging the hard work done by John and May Brace in collecting and transcribing this information.
Every time I visit this small yet well maintained churchyard I discover more and more about my Forest relatives and I have now been given the chance to work on it at a distance, in the comfort of my own home and with the ability to figure out some of the more obscure connections. So far I reckon I am related or connected by marriage to 65 or so of those buried or commemorated there including most of the Meeks and all but one of the Williams!
I am also aware of the lasting affection shown by former pastors who have been buried in this graveyard. In addition to the founder, Joseph Mountjoy, the Rev's Neighbour (1895-1903), Rankin (1909-1915) and Timpany (1934-47) are interred there (in Erskine Rankin's case some 55 years after he ceased to be minister in 1915). Also Mr William Alden, who was Lay Pastor from 1949-57 is buried along with his wife.
Many thanks,
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by normanjw , Monday, April 20, 2015, 13:14 (3614 days ago) @ cmfenton
Dear Colin Fenton
I wonder if you can help.
I see that you claim relationship to Many Williams in Ruardean Baptist cemetery. I have been having a problem accessing the MI for some unknown reason.
I wonder if there is an Amos Williams (My G_G grandfather) and a George Williams in the burial ground and if so are they your ancestors.
If you can help perhaps you would like to contact me by email?
Best wishes, Norman Williams
Email address has been removed to reduce risk of spam email. Contact can be made by clicking on the envelope next to username. Admin
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by admin , Forest of Dean, Monday, April 20, 2015, 14:03 (3614 days ago) @ normanjw
There was an error in the link to Transcribed M.I.'s. This has now been corrected.
Our apologies for inconvenience caused.
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by cmfenton , Ferndown, Dorset, Monday, April 20, 2015, 19:03 (3614 days ago) @ normanjw
Hi Norman,
I will email if I find other details, but for the benefit of others viewing this thread, the memorial inscriptions are best accessed via Resources / Memorial Inscriptions menu links and not the link in the first entry in this thread.
You may therefore have discovered that Amos Williams is not listed as being buried in this churchyard which is surprising as he is listed in the history published by the church in 1914 and updated in 1954 as a local preacher, (this detail can also be found in the 1891 census entry).
The only Amos Williams I have information for was born c 1837, son of John and Elizabeth. I have no information further back than this and am not related as far as I know to this branch of the family despite the link to Ruardean Hill. Though given the common surname I have not got back beyond my g3-grandfather, George Williams, who would have been born around 1780 (married 1806).
The George Williams (1881-1959) buried in the Ruardean Hill churchyard was my grandfather. His father, William (1842-1919), is also buried there. His father was also William (1808-1881).
Amos appears to have died in 1906.
Although some Family Trees on Ancestry list Amos's wife as Harriet Turner I cannot find any record of their marriage.
It is possible that Harriet remarried in 1911 (I cannot find a prior death or 1911 census entry). The Gloucestershire BMD database has a marriage recorded as Harriet Williams/Turner marrying Henry Sadler in 1911.
I hope this does not cause you too much confusion!
Best regards,
-Colin Fenton
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by shepway , Monday, April 20, 2015, 20:43 (3614 days ago) @ cmfenton
The following entry from the 1861 Census may be of interest:
Household Number Given Name Surname Relationship Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth City Birth County Birth Country
Dove Lane, Hindley, Lancashire
132 Betsy Finch Head 56 1805 Female Sheetgate Lancashire England
132 Ann Finch Daughter 28 1833 Female Mopylee Lancashire England
132 Amos Williams Lodger 22 1839 Male Mopylee Lancashire England
132 Harriet Williams Lodger 20 1841 Female Upher Bilson Gloucestershire England
132 Berthur Turner Niece 4 1857 Female Nale Bridge Gloucestershire England
132 George White Lodger 19 1842 Male Sinderford Gloucestershire England
132 William Jones Lodger 26 1835 Male Gloucester Gloucestershire England
132 George Latchford Lodger 22 1839 Male Gloucester Gloucestershire England
It would seem that Amos and Harriet are listed as Unmarried.
I have not been able to track Bertha Turner.
Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions
by normanjw , Sunday, May 03, 2015, 21:37 (3601 days ago) @ shepway
Hello Mike.
Thank you. That explains why I could not find Amos Williams on the 1851 Census. He was out of area at the time and his job description is a bit suspect.
regards, Norman