"Good Night Admin and Thank you" (Announce)

by cmfenton @, Ferndown, Dorset, Saturday, June 23, 2012, 09:32 (4645 days ago) @ slowhands

For Admin

We never met, now never will
On land or sea or Ruardean Hill.
We were not Forest born you see,
Manchester him, Black Country me.
But Forest roots are deep and strong
And draw us back where we belong.
On David's site, you may have found
Of those who toiled underground
To raise a family of eight
or more - not now a very common state.
Watkins, Cowmeadow, Marfell, Meek,
Whichever name it is you seek
You'll find it here and so much more
So thanks to him who's gone before.
Words no more then here from me,

But simply - Admin - R I P

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