HOBBS family Newland and South Gloucestershire (Parish Records)
by middleton , Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 19:48 (4530 days ago)
Hello,I am not very good at this but need help finding information about my grandparents who lived and died in Newland.They were William and Maud Hobbs . I think they moved to Newland from Bristol Stephen was born there 12 6 1921, my father. My grandparents details.William B1878 D1954 Maud nee Horder B1885 D1950 I have come up against a blank Many thanks for any help Trudie
Stephen Henry HOBBS 1921
by ChrisW , Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:06 (4530 days ago) @ middleton
Baptism for Stephen:
Record_ID: 1028949
Entry_Number: 443
Year: 1921
Month: Aug
Day: 28
Parents_Surname: HOBBS
Child_Forenames: Stephen Henry
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Maud
Residence: Newland
Occupation: Chauffer
Officiating_Minister: A Noott Lecturer
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P227 IN 1/24
Page_Number: 56
Parish_Chapel: Newland
Soundex: H120
by m p griffiths , Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 20:06 (4530 days ago) @ middleton
Starting with their marriage:
Marriage A/M/J Qtr 1905
Chipping S District: (Gloucestershire)
William HOBBS
1911 Census, Glos. Almondsbury
William HOBBS, 33, Coachman Domestic, born Glos. Almondsbury
Maud HOBBS - 26 - born Glos. Coalpit Heath ****
married 5 years, no children
(William and Maud - have estate workers as neighbours, and a few doors away is Hiatt Cowles BAKER, age 49, born in Bristol, a Merchant at Oaklands, Almondsbury + wife Abagail and 1 son (married 15 years) There are 15 on the 1911 census with visitors, parlour maids etc. - William may have worked for them)
National Probate Register. Hiatt Cowles BAKER died 19 September 1934 at Oaklands. Effects £498,979 9s 7d.
Hiatt's mother was Hannah - daughter of John HIATT and Myrila HIATT of Mirables Farm, Dymock
Birth : J/A/S Qtr 1921 - Monmouth District
Stephen H HOBBS - mother's maiden name: HARDER
1881 Census, Almondsbury, Glos
Charles - 45, Ag. Lab. - born Thornbury
Ann - 39 - born Rangeworth
George - 18 - born Alveston
Charles 16 - born Alveston
Eliza A - 11 - born Almondsbury
Thomas - 9
William - 3
Stephen H - 9 months (seems a family name)
Looking at the 1861 Census, Thornbury
Charles - 27 - born Glos. Rangeworthy
Ann - 20 - born Tytherington
Eliza - 2 - months, born Thornbury
(marriage A/M/J Qtr 1860 Thornbury District, Ann nee BARTON
1991 Census, Almondsbury,
Woodhouse, Almondsbury, nr Bristol
Charles - 76 - married 51 years, 10 children born alive, 7 living, 3 dead, born Rangeworth
Ann - 69 - born Itchington, Glos
Anni HOBBS, unmarried daughter - 25 - born Almondsbury
**** Ancestry National Probate Records
Maud of The Bungalow, Newland, Gloucestershire (wife of William HOBBS) died 29 October 1950 Adminstration Gloucestershire 1 February to the said William Hobbs retired chauffeur. Effects £773. 8s. 11d.
1901 Census, Almondsbury
Coalpit Heath
Maud HORDER age 16, is a General Domestic Servant, for William HELLIER (Brick Yard Manager) + his wife and child
1891 Census, Frampton Cotterell
Coalpitt Heath (Maud says she was born there 1911 census)
Charles - 34 - Coalminer, all born Glos. F Cotterell
Sarah A - 34
Florence M L - 17 - Tailoress
Frederick - 14 Scholar
Joseph - 9
Maud - 6
Wilberforce - 4
Antonetta - 2
Ann GOWING - mother - Widow - 73 Sextoness Church - born Uley
Hiatt Cowles BAKER/HIATT
by m p griffiths , Thursday, October 18, 2012, 22:26 (4529 days ago) @ m p griffiths
In previous reply - stated that on the 1911 census, William (Coachman) and Maud HOBBS were just a few doors away from Hiatt Cowles BAKER, a Merchant born in Bristol.
His parents William BAKER and Hannah (daughter of John HIATT and Myrila of Mirables Farm, Dymock ) married in Newent 1856
Under Heading:
List of Members
Down the list to Baker, Hiatt Cowles - click on the name - and photographs/census returns etc.
FOD records
Marriage at Dymock - 24 September 1856
William Mills BAKER, age 25, Bachelor, Draper
residence: Christ Church, Bristol
father: Thomas BAKER, Farmer
Hannah HIATT - age 23, Spinster
father: John HIATT, Farmer
by licence
witnesses: Charles HIATT, T M BAKER, Thos. BAKER, Frederick LYNCH
1851 Census, Dymock
Mirables Farm
John - 79 - Farmer 137 acres employing 3 labourer, born Glos, Dymock
Myrtilda - 57 - Farmer's wife - born Dymock
Hannah - 17 - born Dymock
Myrtilda COCKS Visitor 11 - born Hereford, Ledbury
Rose Ellen FALLOW - 6 - all born Glos. Dymock
Emilia BURTON - 25 - House Servant
George HODGES - 19 - Farm Labourer
William HODGES - 14
George PHILLIPS - 13
FOD records
Children of John & Myrtilla HIATT (nee COWLES)
at Dymock
John - 1824
Richard - 1825
Charles - 1827
Sarah Myrtilla - 1831
Hannah - 1833
Matthew Edward - 1834
1841 Census, Dymock
Elizabeth COWLES - Schoolmistress, 45 - not born in County
Sarah HIATT - 9 - born in County
Ann BUTT - 9
Church of Latter Day Saints
Myrilla COWLES - baptism 3 October 1792
Saint Nicholas, Gloucester, parents: George & Mary
and also marriage
Myrtille COWLES - John HIATT, 15 August 1822, Swansea St Mary
Charles HOBBS marriage Thornbury 1860
by ChrisW , Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 22:58 (4530 days ago) @ middleton
Bit more info for Charles/Ann marriage on Scribe's Alcove:
MARRIAGE: 21 Apr 1860 at Thornbury
NAME: Charles Hobbs Ann Barton
AGE: 26 19
STATUS: Bachelor Spinster
ABODE: Rangeworthy Alvestone
FATHER: James Hobbs Thomas Barton
FATHER'S OCCUPATION: Labourer Labourer
WITNESSES: James Hobbs, Elizabeth Howell Barton
Looks like other possible records for your family on the same site:
by m p griffiths , Thursday, October 18, 2012, 09:06 (4530 days ago) @ ChrisW
Charles HOBBS - father James
Gloucestershire Baptism Index
Baptisms at Rangeworthy Holy Trinity
parents: James (labourer) and Eliza
Charles Thomas - 29 September 1833
Alfred - 27 December 1835
1841 Census, Glos Iron Gate
Wotton Road
James - 33 - Hallier, all born in County
Eliza - 30
George - 11
Charles - 8
Alfred - 6
Eliza - 4
James - 1
1851 Census, Rangeworthy
James - 44 - Haulier, born Rangeworthy
Eliza - 46 - born Glos. Cromhall
Alfred - 14
James - 11
Hannah - 9
Jane - 7
William - 4
On the 1851 Census, Charles HOBBS age 17 - is working at Wickwar, Glos as a House Servant to a Farmer.
1861 Census, Thornbury
Hamlet of Rangeworthy
James - 55, Farmer of 10 acres, born Glos. Rangeworthy
Eliza - 50 - born Cromhall
James - 20 - Farm Servant, all born Rangeworthy
Jane - 16 - Domestic Servant
William - 13 - Farm Servant
Mary - 9 - Domestic Servant
1871 Census, Rangeworthy
James - 66 - Farmer of 15 Acres, born Rangeworthy
Eliza A - 61 - born Cromhall
and three unmarried children at home
Hannah - 28 -
William - 24 Ag Lab
Mary - 20 - Seamstress
Gloucestershire Marriage Index
Marriage at Rangeworthy - 10 April 1830
James HOBBS and Eliza ISAAC.
Church of Latter Day Saints
Baptism at Cromhall, Gloucestershire
29 May 1811
Eliza ISAAC, mother: Anne ISAAC
Baptism at Rangeworthy, Gloucestershire
parents James & Annie HOBBS
James - 15 June 1805
Elisa - born 21 May 1807, christened 26 August 1807
Charles - born 9 April 1809, christened 18 May 1809 ***
Gloucestershire Marriage Index
James HOBBS (Widower) married Anne CLEMMENTS - 8 February 1802
*** 1851 Census, Wickwar
Charles HOBBS - 42, born Rangeworthy
Susanna - 30 - from Cromhall
William - 18 - born Cromhall
Charles - 4 - born Wickwar
Gloucestershire Marriage Index, Charles HOBBS of Mackin, Mon, married Susannah ECOTT at Cromhall, 6 September 1832
BARTON + Thomas BARTON (sentenced for Night Poaching)
by m p griffiths , Thursday, October 18, 2012, 13:33 (4530 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Ann BARTON - born Tytherington - (father Thomas BARTON)age 19 on her marriage to Charles HOBBS in 1860.
1851 Census, Tytherington, Glos
Thomas - 40 - born Itchington c1811
Ann - 36 - born Cam
Elizabeth Howell Barton - daughter - 11 - born Itchington
Ann - 9
Thomas - 6
Lucy - 3
James - 1
1841 Census, Tytherington
Betty BARTON - 65 - Nurse - all born in County
Thomas - 30
Ann - 25
George - 3
Elizabeth - 1
Gloucestershire Baptism Index from 1813 - Tytherington
Children of James (labourer/farmer) and Elizabeth
George - 28 November 1813
Susannah Howell BARTON - 8 May 1825.
Church of Latter Day Saints - Baptisms a Tytherington pre 1813 (James & Elizabeth BARTON)
James - 31 March 1803
Mary - 8 August 1805
Sarah - 21 June 1807
Mary - 8 August 1805
Gloucestershire Burial Index
James BARTON, age 61 - 14 December 1835 residence, Itchington
Betty BARTON, age 75 - 15 April 1849
Gloucestershire Genealogical Database have a Prison Record of Thomas BARTON (labourer) age 24 - 12 January 1835 - Tytherington.
Ancestry - 24 April 1835 - Thomas BARTON Age 24 was sentenced for 9 months for Night Poaching - listed are many men from various places convicted of Night Poaching at this 'sitting' - inc a Jacob YOUNG a Stonemason from Tytherington. Most of them received prison sentences, 3 were transported for 7 years.
Night Poaching Act 1828
BARTON + Thomas BARTON (sentenced for Night Poaching)
by middleton , Friday, October 19, 2012, 19:11 (4528 days ago) @ m p griffiths
First of all many thanks to all who have helped me. now all i have to do is go through the details. Is there any records for Newland Churchyard plots i know William and Maud do not have a stone to the grave, I need to find them now. Once again many thanks.TM
Newland Churchyard Records
by Jefff , West London, Middlesex, Friday, October 19, 2012, 21:00 (4528 days ago) @ middleton
I've quickly searched this forum without success in finding clues as to burial plot records for Newland. Unfortunately the searchbox from the website homepage doesn't seem to be working to help with this, have you searched the Documents & Articles section for example ? As you probably know the Old Photos section does carry some memorial photos altho of course not your Hobbs family.
Newland Church full contact details are on this webpage of their excellent website, I suggest contacting them if this FoD FH site doesn't have any plot records.