BARTON + Thomas BARTON (sentenced for Night Poaching) (Parish Records)

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, October 18, 2012, 13:33 (4530 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Ann BARTON - born Tytherington - (father Thomas BARTON)age 19 on her marriage to Charles HOBBS in 1860.


1851 Census, Tytherington, Glos


Thomas - 40 - born Itchington c1811
Ann - 36 - born Cam
Elizabeth Howell Barton - daughter - 11 - born Itchington
Ann - 9
Thomas - 6
Lucy - 3
James - 1


1841 Census, Tytherington

Betty BARTON - 65 - Nurse - all born in County
Thomas - 30
Ann - 25
George - 3
Elizabeth - 1


Gloucestershire Baptism Index from 1813 - Tytherington

Children of James (labourer/farmer) and Elizabeth

George - 28 November 1813
Susannah Howell BARTON - 8 May 1825.


Church of Latter Day Saints - Baptisms a Tytherington pre 1813 (James & Elizabeth BARTON)

James - 31 March 1803
Mary - 8 August 1805
Sarah - 21 June 1807
Mary - 8 August 1805

Gloucestershire Burial Index


James BARTON, age 61 - 14 December 1835 residence, Itchington
Betty BARTON, age 75 - 15 April 1849


Gloucestershire Genealogical Database have a Prison Record of Thomas BARTON (labourer) age 24 - 12 January 1835 - Tytherington.

Ancestry - 24 April 1835 - Thomas BARTON Age 24 was sentenced for 9 months for Night Poaching - listed are many men from various places convicted of Night Poaching at this 'sitting' - inc a Jacob YOUNG a Stonemason from Tytherington. Most of them received prison sentences, 3 were transported for 7 years.

Night Poaching Act 1828

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