Donations to Support this Site (Announce)

by mrsbruso @, Sunday, November 25, 2012, 00:02 (4491 days ago) @ slowhands

Greetings, Fellow Researchers.

For those of us who tend to leap directly to the "forum" section, bypassing the home page, you may not know that this site is now able to accept dontations once more.

As someone who has benefitted from the kind assistance of Admin (RIP) and the Moderators and Contributors, I have tried to make regular (modest) financial donations to do my share to keep this site afloat. Thanks again, to Admin for his vision, and to everyone who contributes (time, money, expertise, enthusiasim, etc) in keeping the Forest a Family.

Please consider making a donation so that others may share in the wealth of knowledge shared with other "Children of the Forest". . .


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