Forest of Dean WWI Servicemen - new database added (Announce)

by admin2 @, Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 11:48 (4047 days ago)

we have added a new database which was compiled by Martin Davies and David Drinkwater. The idea behind the data was to try and create a list of all those men with connections to The Forest of Dean who in any way served their country during WW1 and not just those that were killed.

The names recorded so far total over 6000. The information that might be listed about a soldier has come from various sources. These include military records, The Commonwealth War Graves Commission and local newspapers ( The Gloucester Journal, The Forest Mercury and the Cheltenham Chronicle & Glos Graphic).

An entry may just record a mans name and abode or include details transcribed from a newspaper article that could also include a photograph. Although we have some of these images they are not yet on the website or linked to an entry, it is hoped that this will be possible in the future.

The information in this database is being added to all the time and there may be more than one entry for a particular serviceman.

You can find this under the Resources section

best regards

the Trust team

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