Some Glosters websites, including "Officers Roll of Honour" (Announce)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, May 19, 2014, 00:32 (3951 days ago) @ Jefff

Hi again Rita,
I've just found this site about The Glosters which is new to me, I thought it worth posting separately just in case you or any others haven't seen it. It's core is a detailed Roll of Honour of all the Regiment's Officers who died during the World Wars, plus other usefull information such as the organisational Order of Battle during WW1;

As expected the 9th Battalion entry gives you a little more info abt the Salonika Campaign.


This different site gives even more detail as to the 9th Battalion's War Service, no doubt there is more detail out on the net if you wish to search the specific places and battles mentioned.

Alternatively there are specialist Military forums who may well be able to help you more, for example this one, from the "Long Trail" site yet again


Here's another excellent site about Gloucestershire FH in general, and it seems the Stroud/North Glos area in particular, with a section abt the 8th Battalion Glosters.
Also an excellent section about the Royal Marines in the C19th.

It should be noted that the above site's transcriptions of the county's War Memorials doesn't include any of the Forest's except for Alveston, Lydney and Newnham. However a few more Memorials including Cinderford, Littledean & Westbury on Severn are transcribed here;

I do hope this helps you.


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