Simmonds Family, Lydbrook, c1880 (Parish Records)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Saturday, June 28, 2014, 22:21 (3910 days ago) @ huw100

Hi Huw,
to search for previous/prior threads(ie discussions) on this forum, just enter the word/words you want to search for in the "search" box at top right, click the adjacent arrows "button" and wait to see what comes up. Clicking on each thread found will open that whole thread. Unfortunately the word Simmonds could have had different spellings/mispellings over the years, so look out for similar-sounding variations too eg Symonds, Simmons, etc. From mpg's post, I've seached the forum for the more unusual name "Elizabeth Wyde" and found this thread which is clearly the right one. It was indeed started by Jenny Savidge, however in this case her username is coloured black, not blue, showing she's no longer active on the forum.
The thread can be found by clicking here =>

I hope you find what you're looking for; if not ask & we'll try to help you.

If you want to find individual records of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, click on the "Resources" heading at top left, then "Parish Records", and search from there.

I've searched the PRs for Annie born 1892 but no luck YET.
I've also tried the free sites GlosBMD & FreeBMD and have found her marriage;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Jun 1911 (>99%)
Davies Alfred D Merthyr T. 11a 1409
Davies John Merthyr T. 11a 1409
Jones Sarah Merthyr T. 11a 1409
Simmonds Annie Merthyr T. 11a 1409

ie the above Marriages were Registered in the June quarter (April, May, or June) of 1911 in Merthyr Tydfil District. This includes Aberdare, see here

These were found from this free website

PURELY a guess, but I wonder if the other Marriage was Alfred's relative/brother ??

Not certain yet as quite a common name in South Wales, as the FreeBMD results list will show you, but IF Alfred was definitely from Aberdare aka "Merthyr T" District, then this looks like possibly his Birth Registration, again from FreeBMD;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Births Jun 1882 (>99%)
Davies Alfred David Merthyr T. 11a 538

Sadly no clue as to his mother's maiden name, that was only recorded post 1911.

Can also see this Birth, could this be Alfred and Annie's, I wonder ???
Births Jun 1911 (>99%)
Davies Alfred D Merthyr T. 11a 812

BACK to Annie, searching GlosBMD gives her Birth record, shows mother as Green as you know;

Birth Details
Child Surname Child Forename Father Surname Mother Surname Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
SIMMONDS Annie SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1892 Forest of Dean Westbury on Severn, Newnham 63 265

From the GlosBMD website here

This Birth was registered in the Oct/Nov/December Quarter according to FreeBMD
Births Dec 1892 (>99%)
Simmonds Annie Westbury, S. 6a 229

(NOTE !: FreeBMD shows there were a LOT of Annie Simmonds abt this time and area !!!)

However I'm still unable to find Annie's (or even Ann's etc) Baptism record in this sites PRs ?
Similarly I'm unable to find a Marriage twixt William Simmonds and Mary Green in the PRs, under any spelling. Similarly thusfar not in FreeBMD either, altho this site requires exact spelling matches and I havent tried all the varations, yet. I'm VERY happy to be proven wrong tho, can anyone help please ??
Just revisited the prior thread, dont think I can see these records there either, altho the Census records helpfully show William C Simmonds as born Lydbrook c1853 and Mary Green born Peterstow Herefds abt 1856.

FreeBMD shows that Peterstow came under "Ross District", which means our Mary should be one of these Births, but which ?;

Births Dec 1855 (>99%)
Green Mary Ross 6a 367
Green Mary Ann Ross 6a 375

Births Dec 1856 (>99%)
Green Mary Hereford 6a 384

Births Mar 1857 (>99%)
Green Mary Ross 6a 417

Hopefully the 1911 Census will include both William and Mary, this Census will give their approximate Marriage year.

Searching GlosBMD site for ALL Simmonds/Green births gives the following including a John and a Harriet !. Matching the second post from the prior thread - 1891 Census;

Child Surname Child Forename Father Surname Mother Surname Mother's Former Name Year District Office Register Entry
SIMMONDS John, SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1881 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 39 230
SIMMONDS Mary, SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1883 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 41 160
SIMMONDS William Charles, SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1885 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 43 18
SIMMONDS Elizabeth Louise, SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1887 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 44 404
SIMMONDS Harriet Frances, SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1889 Forest of Dean Monmouth, Coleford 46 307
SIMMONDS Annie, SIMMONDS SIMMONDS GREEN 1892 Forest of Dean Westbury on Severn, Newnham 63 265

I can only find their firstborn in this site's PRs;

Record_ID: 107429
Entry_Number: 751
Year: 1881
Month: Jun
Day: 2
Parents_Surname: SYMONDS
Child_Forenames: John
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Residence: Lydbrook
Occupation: Shinglar
Officiating_Minister: John Wilkinson
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Born May 8
Register_Reference: D2598 3/3
Page_Number: 94
Parish_Chapel: West Dean Methodist
Soundex: S553

Hoping your reading of the prior thread will help you ?.
Looking forward to your response to that thread and my offerings thus far,
cheers, J

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