Ruardean Hill Baptist Chapel Memorial Inscriptions (Announce)

by shepway @, Monday, April 20, 2015, 20:43 (3614 days ago) @ cmfenton

The following entry from the 1861 Census may be of interest:
Household Number Given Name Surname Relationship Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth City Birth County Birth Country
Dove Lane, Hindley, Lancashire
132 Betsy Finch Head 56 1805 Female Sheetgate Lancashire England
132 Ann Finch Daughter 28 1833 Female Mopylee Lancashire England
132 Amos Williams Lodger 22 1839 Male Mopylee Lancashire England
132 Harriet Williams Lodger 20 1841 Female Upher Bilson Gloucestershire England
132 Berthur Turner Niece 4 1857 Female Nale Bridge Gloucestershire England
132 George White Lodger 19 1842 Male Sinderford Gloucestershire England
132 William Jones Lodger 26 1835 Male Gloucester Gloucestershire England
132 George Latchford Lodger 22 1839 Male Gloucester Gloucestershire England

It would seem that Amos and Harriet are listed as Unmarried.

I have not been able to track Bertha Turner.


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