Forest of Dean Parish Records...Burials (Parish Records)

by sidtoomey01 @, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Saturday, July 11, 2015, 07:40 (3533 days ago)

When i look at the Burial records on this site, generally it will announce that someone has been buried but apart from a name, usually there is no reference to that persons age or next of kin. Sometimes there will be a note that the person was an infant. The period i am interested in is pre 1800.
Can anyone advise whether there were other records kept which would list the next of kin as well as age ?
I have used Ancestry and viewed the actual Parish Registers but these don't help.
I am researching my Ancestor William Toomey (or Tummy plus other spelling of same name)Supposedly born in Churcham approx 1784 and lived all his life in the same Parish. I have a previous posting under Toomey family of Churcham on this site where other users kindly provided me with helpful information.
I thought it would be relatively easy to use the FOD Parish records to build a profile of all the Toomey families who existed in Churcham in the later part in the Eighteenth Century and see where my Ancestor might have fitted in. Now i am more confused than ever owing to not knowing the persons age at time of burial.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Sid Toomey

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