Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean (Parish Records)

by charwinds @, Sunday, October 25, 2015, 19:46 (3426 days ago)

I,m trying to find the birth date and place for Thomas Fryer who mar. Hester Bower in 1780 in Mitcheldean. I have found a birth for 1761 in Frocester ,father Richard and mother Mary Pegler, but not sure if this is right. Thomas died in 1804, cannot find a will for him.
Also does anyone know if the graves in Mitcheldean have been recorded?

Hoping someone has this family in their tree.

Many thanks for your interest.

Charles Windsor

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, October 25, 2015, 21:31 (3426 days ago) @ charwinds

? not sure it's your Thomas FRYER who died in 1804

He and Esther last children were christened at Mitcheldean - 7 August 1812

Richard and also in the Notes: Jane FRYER baptised same day.

Also when Philip EDWARDS married Mary TINGLE at Mitcheldean 16 March 1812 - Thomas FRYER was a witness.

Thomas FRYER however, appears to be a common name and a quick search for Thomas FRYER as a witness


Marriage by Licence at Longney - 17 Sept 1775 of a Daniel FRYER (who was Butcher looking at the Licence) to Ann GREEN

witnesses: Thos FRYER Senr + Thomas FRYER + Ann FRYER


The Gloucestershire Records Office appears to hold an Overseers Report for a Thomas FRYER 1833 Mitcheldean (occupation: Mason)

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by charwinds @, Sunday, October 25, 2015, 22:00 (3426 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Hi, Ester died in 1810, and in her will she states that Jane & Richard were deaf and dumb and her daughter Elizabeth was to care for them,so I guess she must have had them baptised in 1812.Ester in her will has no mention of her husband Thomas, who according to the parish records died in 1804. She also mentions her son Samuel in her will, who also was not baptised. He was my 3rdgggrandfather who married Hannah Griffiths in London in 1819, the daughter of George & Sarah (ne Brayne).
Thomas was appentised to Richard Miller in 1769 (tailor) in Mitcheldean. On Thomas & Esters marriage, it says he was from Ruardean, they married in Mitcheldean in 1780.

many thanks,

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 09:10 (3425 days ago) @ charwinds

As Esther died in 1810 - the 2 children i.e. Jane, Richard, must have taken themselves off to be baptised all on the same day in 1812. As Stephen was married in London - may be he had himself baptised there?

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by charwinds @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 14:21 (3425 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Have not found any baptism for Samuel, there was no Stephen. Have located a burial record for a Samuel Fryer in 1833 in Margam,Glamorgan Wales stating his age at 39, which ties in with the info I have. But is it him? He was also a mason like his brother Thomas, perhaps he was working on a site over there.

many thanks

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Monday, October 26, 2015, 10:59 (3425 days ago) @ charwinds

The BNA carries a report of the inquest into the death of Richard FRYER in 1842. This gives information about how and where he died and places his birth in 1794. I can transcribe this if the details are of interest.

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 11:44 (3425 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Gloucestershire Genealogical Database also have an Overseers Reports for FRYER of Mitcheldean

1797 Thomas FRYER (Tailor)

1797 William FRYER - Apprentice

1804 James FRYER - Apprentice - aged 13

1810 Richard FRYER - Apprentice aged 15

1810 Elizabeth FRYER - Spinster

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by charwinds @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 14:32 (3425 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

many thanks for this Mr Griffiths, as any other info. would be helpful.
Would you know if any of the old stones are standing in the Mitcheldean cementary?
I presume it would be St. Michaels, and if anyone transcribed them.Don,t suppose I will ever get there.


Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by charwinds @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 14:24 (3425 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Thanks Mike, this would be most interesting, if you would.


Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Monday, October 26, 2015, 19:04 (3425 days ago) @ charwinds

Here it is, hopefully free of the mangling inflicted by the BNA’s OCR software:-

BNA Gloucester Journal - Saturday 30 April 1842

Inquests— Recently taken by John Cooke, Esq. Coroner………………………………..At Mitcheldean, on the body of Richard Fryer, aged 48. The deceased, who was deaf and dumb, had been at work for Mr. Griffiths, of Ruardean, but latterly had been unable to follow his employment owing to the ill state of his health, he being in the last state of decline. A day or two before his death he expressed by signs, which were understood those about him, great anxiety to go his brother’s at Mitcheldean. This request was complied with, and he was removed there in a cart with great carefulness. Previously to starting, he repeated his wish to go, and intimated that it was that he might die there. This he expressed by elevating his hands as if in prayer, then placing them straight by his side, shutting his eyes and imitating the appearance of death. The result proved the accuracy of his presentiment. He arrived at his brother’s, without having apparently suffered much from the journey, but he had not been there more than half an hour, before he fell forward from a settle in which he was placed. He was caught by his brother’s wife, but in a few minutes afterwards he was a corpse. The inquest was held in consequence of the suddenness of the death and to elucidate certain rumours which were prevalent reflecting on his removal as having accelerated death, and as having been undertaken according to the cruel, and we hope now obsolete practice, but which was too prevalent under the old poor law system, of hurrying a dying creature from place to place in order that the death in a particular locality might not cause a burden to fall upon the parish. In this case, we are happy to say, the investigation proved that there was no foundation for any sinister suspicion whatever.

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by charwinds @, Monday, October 26, 2015, 21:50 (3425 days ago) @ Mike Pinchin

Many thanks for this Mike, I did not know when he had died.


Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by jospp @, Friday, November 13, 2015, 20:03 (3407 days ago) @ charwinds

Yes, the gravestones have been recorded by the Forest of Dean Branch of the Gloucester Family History Society. I am not sure if GFHS has the CD for sale yet, it was only completed recently but I have a copy as I was one of the transcribers, There are 3 Bowers.
Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Bower, Gent, deceased Oct 3 1639
William Bower 1891 - 1969
Evelyn Bower 1891 - 1975
These last two on the same stone.

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by charwinds @, Sunday, November 22, 2015, 21:49 (3398 days ago) @ jospp

Thank you for this, I was looking in early 1800,s. Could there be another burial site close by . Or perhaps the stones were removed or a private burial site or in unmarked graves. Thomas Fryer 1804
Ester Fryer 1810 ne Bower
James Fryer 1811
Richard Fryer 1842
William Bower 1806
All said Mitcheldean on the records.

Thank you, Charles

Thomas Fryer & Hester Bower, Mitcheldean

by jospp @, Monday, November 23, 2015, 20:09 (3397 days ago) @ charwinds

Have a look on this site under Abenhall (5 mins walk away), Drybrook or Longhope, both a couple of miles. I haven't looked in detail but there are Fryers there too. If you find what you are looking for, the grave is very likely unmarked, as most were!

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