Roberts family of Woolaston (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, May 01, 2017, 14:44 (2875 days ago) @ LadyBadger

Hi Debra, welcome to the forum and website.
Have you tried searching the Forum for prior threads that may help you, as often we find "new" questions have already been covered to some extent in the past ?.

Entering "Roberts Woolaston" into the search box at top R/H corner gives several threads which will be worth studying, although be aware that some will only relate to "Roberts" or "Woolaston" and not necessarily both.

Searching "William Roberts Woolaston" gives this thread, hopefully it contains useful information for your particular researches, William & Charlotte are mentioned in the second post down the thread.

That said, searching both the forum and the PRs hasn't been very productive regarding your mention of William, Thomas & Lucy, so ??...

I'm struggling to find the PRs within this FoDFH site's database, but LDS aka FamilySearch has these records of children to Thomas & Lucy Roberts which I suspect you've already seen;

Name Wm Roberts
Gender Male
Christening Date 11 Aug 1806
Father's Name Thos. Roberts
Mother's Name Lucy

Name Ann Roberts
Gender Female
Christening Date 18 Dec 1808
Father's Name Thos. Roberts
Mother's Name Lucy

Name Thomas Roberts
Gender Male
Christening Date 20 Sep 1812
Father's Name Thomas Roberts
Mother's Name Lucy

Nearest fit for William I can find in the 1841 Census c/o FamilySearch seems to tie-in nicely with MPG's 1851 post above;

1841 Census; White Walls, Woollaston, Gloucestershire, England
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William Roberts M 40-44 Gloucestershire
Charlete Roberts F 25-29 Gloucestershire
Hannah Roberts F 11 Gloucestershire
Charlote Roberts F 9 Gloucestershire
George Roberts M 7 Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Roberts F 4 Gloucestershire
Mary Anne Roberts F 2 Gloucestershire
Emily Roberts F 3 Gloucestershire
Chas Harper M 28-32 Gloucestershire
James Davis M 20-24 Gloucestershire
Mary Evans F 25-29 Gloucestershire

Hope this helps, J

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