Searching my family tree Browning / Jones (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, June 29, 2017, 14:51 (2816 days ago) @ shepway

I was hoping to find her in the 1939 Register but sadly no luck so I have to assume that she died before 1939 or did not give her correct birth date.


Hi Mike, I hope you're well. My heads rather mixed-up at the mo, the trials of trying to move house while all my household appliances including computers seem to be dying from old age just when I need some stability, hence my absence from the forum.

Anyhow, the above part of your post intrigued me, as you appear to be saying that everyone in the UK in 1939 should be findable (?!) within the Register except for the reasons you give.
Please can you clarify this for me ?
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but unlike you I don't have full access to the Register so no real experience of regularly using it. I have tried a few free searches since it went online, and I seem to be very good at NOT finding people who I know were alive in the UK at the time. I had assumed/believed that this was because they were excluded from public viewing perhaps because they died relatively recently, altho I may well be wrong, and to be honest it was last year and I've forgotten the exact circumstances.
Please, if you have a minute, can you clarify my confusion.

Many thanks Jeff.

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