Phoebe Marfell (General)

by jimashton @, Thursday, July 06, 2017, 13:24 (2810 days ago) @ janehope

Hi Jane

I have just spotted your enquiry regarding Phoebe Marfell. My main interest is the Marfell Family. I have 9 Phoebe Marfell's in my tree, but none match the date of your original search.

Going through the thread, there is mention of a Phoebe Marfell 1809, daughter of Joseph Marfell 1776(my GGGG Uncle) and Mary Parker.

Phoebe is my 1st cousin 4 times removed.

If this is the Phoebe you are researching, I would be pleased to hear from you, if you click on the envelope, you can send an email. I may be able to assist you further, I have for instance got a copy of Mary Marfell nee Parker's death certificate which I could copy to you. On the certificate it mentions that Elizabeth Marfell was in attendance at Mary's death, this would be Phoebe's sister Elizabeth who emigrated to USA following the death of their sister Lydia, in order for Elizabeth to look after Lydia's 5 children.

Phoebe has 6 siblings that I know of, I do not however have any information about her marriage, so we could perhaps share information. I have already learned the date of her father Josephs date of death from the thread. I also previously was aware of his marriage date but not where, so that too is information gained.

Jim Ashton

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